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2016中国医科大学《大学英语2(中专起点大专)》在线作业 一、单选题(共?50?道试题,共?100?分。) V 1.??This national fund pays for () benefits such as unemployment and sickness pay. A. fare B. fair C. welfare D. satire ??????满分:2??分 2.??It can () the go-between for your personal and career schedules. A. stand up B. participate in C. serve as D. put to ??????满分:2??分 3.??So difficult () it to live in a foreign country that I decided t leave. A. I have felt B. I did feel C. have I felt D. Did I feel ??????满分:2??分 4.??She has that reserve and slight coldness of manner which is () English. A. typically B. physically C. economically D. permanently ??????满分:2??分 5.??—Excuse me, Sir, is the swimming pool open all day?—(). Only from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. A. That’s right B. Yes, of course C. Sorry, I am not sure D. Sorry, I’m afraid not ??????满分:2??分 6.??— I don‘t think that it‘s true. He‘s always telling strange stories.— (). A. Why not! B. I am of the same opinion. I think his story is true this time. C. I know. But this time I can‘t decide if he is right or not. D. I cannot share your view. It must be a false story. ??????满分:2??分 7.??The aim is neither to judge nor to force forgiveness, but rather to () understanding. A. foster B. harvest C. brighten D. activate ??????满分:2??分 8.??— (), but I seem to have misplaced your scarf.— Oh, that’s all right. A. I am fine. B. I am sorry. C. It’s nice of you. D. I am OK. ??????满分:2??分 9.??Please enter your () when you pay. A. state B. PIN C. welfare D. address ??????满分:2??分 10.??— Is this raincoat yours? A. is hanging B. hangs C. has hung D. hung ??????满分:2??分 11.??The winners will be selected at () from the correct answers received. A. formal B. casual C. idle D. random ??????满分:2??分 12.??—I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight?—(). I’m not using it anyhow. A. Sure, go ahead B. I don’t know C. Yes, indeed D. I don’t care ??????满分:2??分 13.??And that is really the problem, irrespective () what this site turns out to be. A. to B. of C. in D. with ???



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