Experiment 4medical protozoa.ppt

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Experiment 4medical protozoa

Morphology 1)、Amastigote is ovoid, 2-3 micrometers in size, has one nucleus and one kinetoplast; 2)、Amastigotes are found in the blood stream in large mononuclear cells. ? Morphology Trophozoite 1、)Looks like a gourd ladle. Some said that it looks like a monkey face. 2、)A sucker is located in the anterior part of the body with 2 distinct nuclei. 3、)It attaches closely the mucosa of small intestine. 4、)It has four pairs of flagella:anterior, middle, ventral and terminal in position. Its motile depend on flagella. (2)、microgametocyte The microgametocyte is differed from the macrogamete by the smaller shape and a nucleus of loose chromatin in the middle of the body . The plasma stains lightly blue color. Exercise: Draw a schizont and a gametocyte of P.vivax. Notice: Next week we will hold a test of parasite specimen of picture. * * Human Parasitology Experiment 4 medical protozoa Sichuan Medical University Department of ?Pathogenic?Biology yangxingyou Entamoeba histolytica is a pathogenic amoeba. There are two stages of trophozoite and cyst in its life cycle. Only the mature cyst (with 4 nuclei) is infective. Men get infection by mouth. The amoebae inhabit the colon. The life cycle of Entamoeba histolytica is cyst--trophozoite--cyst. The trophozoites may invade the intestinal wall or even liver and lung tissues by blood dissemination and induce pathological changes. 一、Entamoeba histolytica I. Morphology There are 2 distinct stages in its life cycle:trophozoite, cyst. They possess morphology that have diagnostic value. 1.Trophozoite (active form) (1) Size: 10-40 micrometers in diameter. (2) Pseudopodium: ??? A. broad or finger-like in form ??? B. thrust out quickly ??? C. firstly, formed with ectoplasm, secondly, endoplasm flows slowly into it. ??? D. motility is progressive and directional. Pseudopodium ectoplasm endoplasm (3) Endoplasm: red blood cells may be found init. (4) Nucleus ????? ??A: memb


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