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摘 要
锅炉是利用燃料或其他能源的热能把水加热成为热水或蒸汽的机械设备。锅的原义是指在火上加热的盛水容器,炉是指燃烧燃料的场所,锅炉包括锅和炉两大部分。锅炉中产生的热水或蒸汽可直接为工业生产和人民生活提供所需要的热能,也可通过蒸汽动力装置转换为机械能,或再通过发电机将机械能转换为电能。提供热水的锅炉称为热水锅炉,主要用于生活,工业生产中也有少量应用。产生蒸汽的锅炉称为蒸汽锅炉,常简称为锅炉,多用于火电站、船舶、机车和工矿企业。中国的锅炉产业,它既不是“朝阳产业”,也不是“夕阳产业”,而是与人类共存的永恒产业,且在中国还是一个不断发展的产业。20世纪80年代以后,中国的经济发生了突飞猛进的变化,锅炉行业更加突出,全国锅炉制造企业增加近二分之一,并形成了独立开发研制一代又一代新产品的能力,产品的技术性能已接近发达国家水平。锅炉是经济发展时代不可缺少的商品,未来将如何发展,是非常值得研究的。 锅炉未来的发展将进一步提高锅炉和电站热效率;降低锅炉和电站的单位功率的设备造价;提高锅炉机组的运行灵活性和自动化水平;发展更多锅炉品种以适应不同的燃料;提高锅炉机组及其辅助设备的运行可靠性;减少对环境的污染。ABSTRACT
The boiler is using fuel or other energy heat energy to heat water become hot water or steam mechanical equipment. Pot of the original meaning is to point to in the fire heated water container, furnace refers to the burning fuel sites, boiler including POTS and furnace of two parts. The boiler is produced in hot water or steam can be directly for the industrial production and peoples living provide needed heat energy, also through steam power plant converts energy into mechanical energy, or again through the mechanical energy into electricity generator conversion. Provide hot water boiler called hot water boiler, mainly used for life, in industrial production with small application. Generate steam boiler called steam boiler, often referred to as boiler, more for selecting, ship, locomotive and industrial and mining enterprises.
Chinas boiler industry, it is neither sunrise industry, not too the sunset industry, but with humanity coexistent eternal industry, and in China or a continuous development of industry. After 1980s, Chinas economy has happened by leaps and bounds change, boiler industry more prominent, the boiler manufacture enterprise increased nearly 1/2, and formed independently developed new products generation after generation and the ability of technical performance, product already close to those of developed countries. The boiler is economic development era indispensable commodities, the future will how to develop, it is worth studying.
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