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财务管理论文 财务管理在企业管理中的地位 院 、 部:财务管理在企业管理中的地位 学生姓名: 专 业: 工商管理 班 级: 1303班 完成时间: 2015年12月 摘 要 无论是国有企业,还是民营企业或其他经济类型企业,凡是企业财务管理作用发挥得好的,都有一个共同的特点,这就是企业领导人对财务管理工作高度重视,企业整体管理水平也比较高。财务管理是基于企业再生产过程中客观存在的财务活动和财务关系而产生的,是组织企业资金活动、处理企业同各方面的财务关系的一项经济管理工作,企业生产经营的过程就是资金运动增值的过程,财务管理深入企业生产经营的各个环节。 财务管理的各项价值指标,是企业经济决策的主要依据,将企业生产情况与财务情况及时、客观地反映出来,并深入分析,寻找经营管理中的薄弱环节,提出措施,堵塞漏洞,提高效益,加强成本管理,以更低的耗费获取同样或更高的收益。企业财务管理贯穿企业经营全过程,覆盖经营全方位。搞好财务管理对于改善企业经营管理、提高经济效益具有十分重要的作用。 关键词:财务管理 资金活动 企业经营 ABSTRACT Whether it is state-owned enterprises or private enterprises or other economic types of enterprises, any enterprise financial management role play is good, have a common characteristic, that is business leaders on the work of financial management attaches great importance to, the overall management level of enterprises is relatively high. Financial management is based on reproduction of enterprise in the process of the objective existence of the financial activities and the financial relations, is the organization enterprise fund, with the enterprise with the financial relationship of economic management, enterprise production and management of the process is the process of appreciation of funds movement, financial management into the enterprise production and management of each link. The value of indicators of financial management is mainly on the basis of economic decision of enterprises, the production condition of the enterprise and financial situation timely and objectively reflected, and the thorough analysis, find weak link in the management, put forward measures and plug the loopholes, improve efficiency, strengthen the management, to lower cost access to the same or higher income. Enterprise financial management runs through the whole process of enterprise


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