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基于淘宝网的C2C网站购物 群体用户体验研究 The Study Research on C2C Website Consumer User Experience Based on Taobao 论文作者: 娄婷 专业班级: 电子商务094 指导老师: 沈千里 完成时间: 2013 年 4 月 10 日 摘 要 面对国内C2C电子商务市场激烈的竞争局面,成熟良好的用户体验已成为网站致胜的关键。本文以度量用户体验四因素为主要理论依据,采用深度访谈和一对一用户测试的实验方式,从内容、功能、品牌、可用性四个层面提出20条国内C2C网站的用户体验度量指标。通过层次分析法得到各指标在用户体验中所占的权重。 度量指标模型中,品牌包括网站的知名度和信任度,影响消费者购物平台的选择;购物操作是否方便快捷,在线沟通和线下物流是否有效快速使用户购物过程更顺畅有趣;评价与监督体系的构建影响着用户对网站信用度的评判;可用性包括网站的页面布局、导航、链接、说明信息和网站反馈方面,直接影响购物过程中所有的操作感受;内容性与消费者的购物目的息息相关,包括商品种类、质量等方面,极大影响用户体验。 在案例分析阶段,运用度量模型对淘宝进行评价和改进建议。希望通过本文为C2C电子商务用户体验的研究提供新的分析视角。 Abstract: Mature and good user experience has become the key to the success of the website with the fierce competitive situation of domestic C2C e-commerce market. This paper is based on user experience metric in four factors (as the main theoretical basis), through depth interviews and one-to-one user testing experiment, creating final evaluation model with 20 measurement total from the content, functionality, brand, availability. Get the weight of each index in the share of the user experience through the Analytic Hierarchy Process. According to the measurement-model, sites popularity and users’ trust have an impact on the choice of consumers shopping platform; Easy shopping operation, effective online communication and quick offline logistics make users shopping process more smooth interesting; The comment and supervision system building affect the judgment of the user of the website credibility; Availability, including page layouts, navigation links, feedback and information, have a direct impact on the operation of the shopping process; Site’s content closely related to shopping purposes, including commodity kind, quality, etc., which greatly affect the user experience. At the case analysis stage, the author applies the conclusive model to measure the user-experience



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