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基于PLC船舶机舱监控系统设计 Xx (浙江海洋学院 机电工程学院,浙江 舟山 316000) 摘要 随着世界经济的飞速发展,全球一体化的日趋成熟,海航拥有着越来越重要的地位和作用,随着全世界船舶吨位的急剧增加,船舶作为水上交通工具,其特定环境决定了传播的安全、节能、环保是船舶工业技术的追求目标,尤其是对于安全,船舶机舱监控技术起到重要的保证作用。随着人工智能,控制原理和数据处理等技术的飞速发展,计算机技术越来越广泛的运用与传播领域。船舶机舱监控系统作为机舱自动化中的一项基本内容,其主要功能是对机舱中各种设备的工作状态和运行参数进行实施监控,并给以管理者和工作人员提示与警报,给你他们足够的时间来处理异常的状况,以保证船舶安全运行,以保障生命与财产的安全。本文基于此,针对船舶机舱进行了一定的调查和研究,对监控警报系统进行了系统的设计。先是对整个系统的总体结构进行规划设计,选取适合的应用主模块,设计出主要的系统流程。然后针对警报信息的数据采集进行研究,分别是数据采集原理、误差分析和警报的具体功能进行说明。然后针对机舱监控系统的设备进行具体分析选取,比如供电结构、电缆线、变压器等,使得整个系统的设计更加完整。最后是基于PLC的温度监控程序的编写,针对MCGS软件的介绍。完整地把整个系统流程勾画了出来。宏观地来看船舶监控系统,当前高水平的船用监控系统产品基本被国外公司垄断,国内也有很多公司和研究所致力于船用监控系统产品的开发,但是实船应用和国外相比仍有差距,因此对船舶机舱监控系统技术的研究具有很重要的现实意义。 关键词:船舶;机舱;PLC;数据采集;温度监控;MCGS Abstract With the rapid development of the world economy, global integration becomes mature, with a more and more important hna the status and role, along with the rapid increase of the world ships tonnage, ship as water traffic tools, the specific circumstances of the spread of safety, energy saving and environmental protection is the industrial technology goal, especially for safety, Marine engine room monitoring technology has played an important role of the guarantee. With artificial intelligence, control principle and data processing technology rapid development, the computer technology is more and more extensive use of and communication field. Ship engine room monitoring system as the cabin of a basic content automation, the main function of of all kinds of equipment is in the engine room of the work of the state and operation parameters for implementing monitoring, and given managers and workers prompt and alarm, you gave them enough time to deal with abnormal condition, to ensure the safe operation of the ship, in order to ensure the safety of life and property.This paper based on this, according to a cabin ship survey and research, to monitor alarm system for the system design. First the general structure of the whole system in planning and design, the selection of main modu


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