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口岸通关管理模式创新研究 摘 要 通过这两年对口岸通关这个专业的学习,不仅使我从中学到了不少课本知识,也使我认识到了物流产业的重要性。下面呢我将阐述一下我对这个专业知识的理解,和一些内容的讨论,希望导师能对我的论文做以评价与指点。 近几年,物流产业作为新兴的产业,已经在全球范围内迅速发展起来,它已经被看作是衡量一个国家的现代化程度和综合国力的重要标志之一。而城市圈的兴起也是当今世界经济发展的又一重要趋势。随着经济全球化浪潮日益高涨和国际制造业加速向我国转移,提高口岸通关效率已经成为改善投资与贸易环境的重要环节。 物流产业引导我国的经济与时俱进,我们感谢这一方精彩的世界。随着物流产业的迅速发展,进出口货物的程序也逐渐变的完善,使我们不断认识市场,调整自己用思路解决出路,用战略占领市场,用速度创造效益,从而来提升我国的经济。治理的兴起是知识经济发展的必然趋势为适应当前行政主体多元化的变化趋势,中国的行政发展必须实现其发展范式的转换,从传统的管理走向现代治理。要推进口岸管理模式创新,必须统一各有关方面的思想认识,进一步增强紧迫感和责任感,将十六大提出的以信息化带动工业化、促进现代化的战略部署尽快落实到口岸管理的实际工作中去,不折不扣地兑现中国加入WTO时所作出的全部承诺。”依法行政,为国把关,服务经济,促进发展”的工作新方针, 对促进海关特殊监管区域的经济发展起到了推动作用,在“管得住、通得快”上更新了工作理念、创新了监管模式。 abstract Through the years of ports this professional study, not only that I learned from many textbooks, I realized the importance of logistics industry. Below I will elaborate me? For the professional knowledge and understanding of the content and some discussions, hope to do for my papers in evaluation and advice. In recent years, the logistics industry as a burgeoning industry worldwide, has developed rapidly, it has been regarded as a national modernization degree and one of the important signs of comprehensive national strength. But the rise of city circle of economic development in the world today is another important trends. With economic globalization accelerates towards rising China international industry shift, improve the efficiency of ports to improve investment and trade has become the important link of the environment. Logistics industry in China with the guide, we thank the economic world of wonderful party. Along with the rapid development of the logistics industry, the import and export of goods is becoming increasingly perfect program, we know the market, adjust yourself with ideas, with strategic solution with speed and occupy the market benefit, thus to improve Chinas economy. Management is the inevitable trend of the development of knowledge economy, in order to adapt to the change trend of the administrative subject pl




