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我国企业科技型人力资源激励存在的问题及对策研究 学生姓名:郑怀宇 专业班级:工商0701 学 号: 0704010209 指导教师:于 丹 摘 要 “科学技术是第一生产力”,而知识的拥有者和载体——科技型人力资源是承载和实现第一生产力的关键因素。企业的科技型人力资源是企业间竞争以及知识的创造、利用与增值的核心,已经成为企业中的战略性资源和决定性因素,所以科技型人力资源的激励已经成为知识经济时代企业人力资源管理的重点。正如德鲁克所说,科技工作者的生产力将成为对人员进行管理的中心议题和21世纪对管理的最大挑战。如今,越来越多的企业,认识到科技型人力资源对企业生存和发展的重要意义和决定作用,于是试图采取多种方法对科技型人力资源进行激励。但目前,我国企业在如何科学有效激励科技型人力资源方面还是存在很多问题,需要进一步进行探讨和剖析。 本文以我国企业科技型人力资源的激励为研究对象,全文共分六部分。第一部分引言,主要介绍研究的目的,以及本文研究的主要内容和方法;第二部分相关理论的概述,主要介绍了科技型人力资源概念、特点以及激励的作用;第三部分通过分析我国企业科技型人力资源的现状,阐明完善我国科技型人力资源激励的重要意义;第四部分深层次剖析我国企业科技型人力资源激励方面存在的问题;第五部分针对我国企业在科技型人力资源激励方面的问题,从物质激励、精神激励、激励约束等方面,提出了相关对策和建议;第六部分是全文的结论。 关键词:科技型人力资源,激励,薪酬,对策 Abstract Science and technology are primary productive forces , and the owner and the carrier of knowledge - science and technology human resources are the primary productive forces and achieve carrying the key factor. Science and technology enterprise is competition among enterprises of human resources and knowledge creation, use and value of the core, has become the decisive factor in the strategic resources and, therefore encourage scientific and technological human resources has become a knowledge economy of Human Resource Management Focus. As Drucker said, the productivity of scientists and personnel management will become a central issue in the 21st century the greatest challenge to management. Today, more and more enterprises recognize that science and technology human resources development for enterprise survival and the importance of the role and decisions, so try to adopt various methods of science and technology human resources incentives. But now, Chinas enterprises on how to encourage scientific and effective human resources, science and technology there are many problems still need further discussion and analysis. In this paper, human resources, science and technology of business incentives as the research object, the text is divided into six parts. The first part of the introduction, introduces the purpose of t



