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本科生毕业论文 论文题目 基于PLC的自动车库控制系统设计 学生姓名 学号 专 业 年级 08级 指导教师 职称 学 院 工学院 中国农业大学教务处制 2012年5月 摘要 目前,我国城市内大多采用平面式停车场,该种停车场占地面积大,设备复杂,有效停车位置少,对人员车辆安全的保障性差,故建造立体车库已经到了必不可少的地步。立体车库空间利用率非常高,并且可以实现自动化操作,使用方便。建设成本大大低于传统停车场。配备自动检测系统、各种安全机构、自动报警系统、消防系统及其他防范设施,安全可靠。并且可以因地制宜,利用零星空地,配以美观的外形,美化城市环境。 本文从分析各种立体车库的具体特点出发,结合城市住宅小区具体环境情况,选择垂直升降式立体车库为研究开发对象。提出并确定了车库的总体方案;确立了车库的整体体系结构由机械结构和自动控制结构组成;详细设计了自动存取车系统的组成和功能;确定了车辆出入流程;车库的开发丰富了小区内停车设备的建设模式,具有一定的社会意义 关键词:垂直升降;立体车库:PLC;自动控制系统 Abstract At present ,our city ,mostly flat parking ,lot of the parking area of large complex equipment ,effective less parking spaces ,the protection of the safety of personnel and vehicles. Therefore ,the construction of three-dimensional . garage to the essential point of three-dimensional garage space utilization is very high ,and can be automatic detection system ,the various security agencies ,auto alarm systems ,fire systems and other preventive facilities safe and reliable . and can be adapted to local conditions ,sporadic open space ,together with the beautiful shape ,and beautiful the urban environment . The specific characteristics of the analysis of various three-dimensional garage ,combined with specific environmental conditions of the urban residential area ,select the vertical lifting type parking for the object of research and development and determine the overall scheme of the garage ,establish the overall architecture of the garage by the mechanical structure and the structure of the automatic control ;detailed design of the composition and function of the automatic access to the car system ;determine vehicle access process ;rich development of the structure of the automatic control ;detailed design of the composition and function of the automatic access to the car system ,determine vehicle access process ,rich development of the garage



minyaoguniang + 关注


