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摘 要 随着市场经济的快速发展和国有企业改革的不断深化,先进的企业文化日益成为企业发展的动力和竞争制胜的法宝。作为集团公司下属企业,如何确保集团公司企业文化的落地和对接,如何通过科学地方法,找出企业文化建设中存在的问题,如何在协调一致的原则下,开展具有个性特色的企业文化建设,成为集团下属公司文化工作面临的重大课题。 本文以远大集团成员企业——博林公司为背景,通过采用各种构建方法,对该公司的企业文化现状进行了全面分析,进而揭示了博林特公司企业文化建设存在的突出问题,并论证了其产生的根源。在此基础上,围绕个性企业文化创建,通过“企业文化建设的个性化特征、落实以人为本的核心价值观、创建特色企业文化的必要性”等问题的论述,提出了博林公司特色企业文化存在问题的解决方案。论文分为六个部分,首先介绍论文的研究背景;其次介绍相关的主要理论;第三、第四部分对博林公司企业文化和建设进行了分析,找出存在的问题和根源;第五部分依照分析结果提出了博林公司企业文化存在问题的解决方法,最后进行了总结。 关键词:远大集团博林公司 企业文化 以人为本 问题 解决方法 Along with rapid development of market economy and continuously deepening of state-owned enterprise reform,advanced enterprise culture has gradually been the motility for enterprise development and a magic weapon for competition.As a subordinate enterprise of CASC,how to insure the group company enterprise culture realization and blending,how to find out problems existing in enterprise culture construction through scientific evaluation,how to carry out characteristic enterprise culture construction have been an important topic. Aiming at XIANGYANG Corporation,a subordinate enterprise construction status was analyzed by means of quantities estimation and qualitative evaluation Furthermore, aiming at characteristic enterprise culture construction,some issues such as Individualities in the corporate culture development practice the core values of putting people first, The necessity of fretting the corporate with characteristics were discussed,and the construction method and solution program of characteristic enterprise culture for XIANGYANG Corporation were put forward.The paper is composed of six chapters.The background and method of the research were discussed in chapter one.The theoretical achievements of enterprise culture research at home and abroad were introduced in chapter two。Overall evaluation for enterprise culture of XIANGYANG Corporation were performed to find out the existing problems in chapter 3 and 4.The specific method and implementation procedures for construction of characteristic ent


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