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Human Genome as a Book There are 23 chapters, called CHROMOSOMES Each chapter contains several thousand stories, called GENES Each story is made up of paragraphs, called EXONS Each story is interrupted by advertisements called INTRONS Each paragraph is made up of words, called CODONS. Each word is written in letters called BASES Orthologs vs. paralogs 5. The human genome has fewer genes than expected Only 1% of the human genome consists of coding regions. The exons comprise ~4% of each gene, genes (exons plus introns) comprise ~25% of the genome. 6. How are genes and other sequences distributed in the genome? Many somatic tissues of higher eukaryotes have an expressed gene number in the range of 10,000-20,000. How much overlap is there between the genes expressed in different tissues? The most powerful new technology uses chips that contain high-density oligonucleotide arrays (HDAs) 高密度寡聚核苷酸阵列 and the next-generation high-throughput sequencing technologies. 线粒体起源于真核生物细胞扑获细菌时所发生的内共生事件 Metabolic Pathway Reconstruction Role assignment Extract metabolic pathways from genomes Navigation and analysis Pathway editing Metabolic Assignments Amino acid Biosynthesis Biosynthesis of cofactors, prosthetic groups, and carriers Cell envelope Cellular processes Central intermediary metabolism Energy metabolism Fatty acid and phospholipid metabolism Purines, pyrimidines, nucleosides, and nucleotides Regulatory functions Replication Transcription Translation Transport and binding proteins Other categories, Unassigned Hypothetical Ureaplasma urealyticum 解脲支原体 Gene Map Gene function 一个基因组可以含有几种 不同类型的卫星DNA,各含有一个不同的重复单位,大小为5-200 bp不等。 大多数卫星DNA位于着丝粒。 小卫星和微卫星 微卫星区较短,通常小于150bp, 重复单位最多只有13bp。 典型的微卫星由1,2,3或4bp长的单位重复10-20次组成,虽然短但在基因组中数量较多。如人基因组中具CA重复的微卫星占基因组0.25%; 单碱基对重复占0.15%. 小卫星形成20kb长的聚集区,每个重复单位最多25bp. 人类端粒就是一例小卫星DNA,它含有几百个5’-TTAGGG-3’ For example, one minisatellite has a repeat length of 64 bp, and is found in the population with the following dist


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