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Robert Frost (1874--1963) Brief Introduction Main works Writing style Robert Frost (1874~1963) Born in San Francisco in 1874. At the death of his father , when frost was eleven , His mother brought him to Massachusetts . After graduating from high school in 1892, Frost entered Dartmouth College but soon left to work at odd jobs and to write poetry. In 1897, he was accepted as a special student by Harvard but withdrew after two years because of his increasing dislike for academic convention. For the next twelve years, Frost made a minimal living by teaching and farming while continuing to write his poems. In 1912, he and his family moved to England, where he found a publisher for his first book of verse, A boy’s will (1913) In 1914, Frosts second book, North of Boston, was published by David Nutt. Determined to win recognition in his native land, Frost returned to the US and settled on a farm in his native land. In 1915, Frost relocated his family to New Hampshire. 1963— Robert Lee Frost died on January 29 in Boston. 1.national bard 游吟诗人 2. 交替性的诗人,意指他处在传统诗歌和现代派诗歌交替的一个时期 3.新英格兰的农民诗人 4.4 Pulitzer Prizes 普利策奖 5.received honorary degrees from 44 colleges 6.unofficial poet Laureate 7.John F. Kennedy invited Frost to read at the inauguration. He recited “The Gift Outright” 《义务保留的奉献》 by heart. Pulitzer Prize Winner 普利策奖也称为普利策新闻奖 1917年根据美国报业巨头约瑟夫·普利策(Joseph Pulitzer)的遗愿设立,将财产捐赠给哥伦比亚大学,设立普利策奖,奖励新闻界、文学界、音乐界的卓越人士,自1917年以来每年颁发一次。获奖作品一直被誉为“美国最负责任的写作和最优美的文字”,其新闻奖是美国新闻界的最高荣誉,成为记者们职业生涯的奋斗目标和最高梦想。 Frost在肯尼迪总统就职典礼上献诗 《The Gift Outright 》 Main Works Collection of poems A Boy’s Will ,1913 一个男孩的意愿 North of Boston, 1914 波士顿以北 Mountain Interval, 1916 山间 New Hampshire ,1923 新罕布什尔》(1924) Collected Poems ,1930 诗集(1931) A Further Range ,1936 又一片牧场(1937) A Witness Tree ,1942 见证树(1943) 诗剧 《理智的假面具》 (1945年) 《慈悲的假面具》(1947年)


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