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(1915至今) 杨宪益 组员:XXX XXX 杨宪益先生之 生平简介 翻译理念 翻译特色 Born in Tianjin Entered Yanjing University and then studied aboard in England Started to learn Old Greek and Roman Literature 1940 Returned to China with his wife, Glad— ysYang(戴乃迭) Worked in Beijing Foreign Language Press with his wife, starting their career as translators Yang Hsien-Yi(杨宪益),a translator, scholar of litertature history and poet,is very proficient in Chinese literature and loves translation very much. In his lifetime,he translates a series of Chinese classical literature works ,comtemporary works and some foreign materpieces. He makes a lot of Chinese literature works known to the western world.What is more ,his translation works are very popular with both Chinese and foreign readers.He really makes a great contribution to the cultural exchange of China and west. The Couple They got married with the objections from both their parents and friends because of their totally diffreent life backgrounds. But they loved each other very much and never seprated except during the Chinese Institutional Revolution(文化大革命),they were detained in different prisons. Their marriage was perfect ,but they suffered a lot in their lifetime,being sent to prison,seprating with their children and losing their son. Their cooperation on translation was extremely perfect,therefore their translation works were finished at a very fast speed. Both of them were praised as the top translators in the field of translation and they made a miracle in translatinon history.In fact ,their union was a miracle . After the death of his wife ,he lost interest in translating and stayed at home most of time . 与英国才女珠联璧合      早期比翼赴幽冥,不料中途失健翎。      结发糟糠贫贱惯,陷身囹圄死生轻。      青春做伴多成鬼,白首同归我负卿。      天若有情天亦老,从来银汉隔双星。 老残游记(长篇小说) 离骚(楚辞) 屈原(话剧) 雪峰寓言? 唐代传奇? 王贵与李香香(诗歌) 白毛女 (The White-haired Gril ) 长生殿 儒林外史(The Scholars) Translation works from the couple 汉魏六朝小说选 汉魏六朝诗文选?? 关汉卿杂剧选??????????? 野草(杂文集) 红楼梦(Dream


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