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凤凰园火锅店空调通风系统设计毕业设计 摘 要 本设计为唐山凤凰园火锅店风冷热泵空调。设计内容包括:方案的比较、负荷计算、空气处理过程的选择、设备选型,水管路和风管路系统的设计及附属设备的选型,并进行设计说明书的编制和施工图的绘制。 通过计算,本工程夏季总冷负荷为531.05kW,冬季总热负荷为70.98kW。制冷设备选用机组的制冷量为620kW。建筑物的冷源由机组提供,热源由市政管网提供,用板式换热器将95℃/70℃的热水换至60℃/50℃供空调使用。 本工程主机选用风冷热泵机组。风冷热泵机组是一种节能、节水和环保的设备,一机冬夏两用,具有设备利用率高的特点,但也存在冬季低温工况下供热不足、高湿区域结霜严重等问题,这些问题阻碍了风冷热泵机组北扩的使用趋势。本文分析了提高热泵机组本身的能效比以节能、改进除霜控制逻辑以减少不必要的除霜而导致的能耗、增加热回收等节能手段以降低能耗、采用双级压缩以拓宽热泵的使用范围等措施,对于促进风冷热泵机组更广泛的应用具有积极的意义。 整个工程主要采用风机盘管加独立新风形式,水系统采用异程式、一次泵、变流量系统。 关键词:空调,热泵,通风,火锅店,设计 Abstract The air conditioning and ventilation system for the chafing dish restaurant of feng huagn yuan in Tangshan was designed, incluiding scheme comparision, load calculation, air process selection, equipment selection, water system and air system design, and appurtenances selection. The design specifications and the construction drawing was worked out. The summer cold load is 531.05 kW, and the winter heat load is70.98 kW in this project. Two water cooling screw rod type cold water units whose refrigeration quantity is 620kW were selected for refrigeration. The city heat source was used for heating. The hot water 95℃/70℃ was changed to 60℃/50℃ with disc heat interchanger, and then supplying the air conditioning . The Air cooled heat pump is choosed for the main engine in this project. Air cooled heat pump is energy-saving,water-saving and environmental-friendly equipment.It can be fully used both in summer and winter.But it also get some disadvantages like providing less heating capacity at low ambient temperature,heavy frost in high humidity regions,etc,which hinders it from application in north of China.In this paper the author analyzed to increase ASHP COP for energy saving,improving defrost control logic to reduce power consumption due to the unnecessary defrost,add functions like heat recovery to reduce power consumption,use two stage compression to broaden its application,which is very beneficent to the perfection of ASHP. The FCU+PAU system was selecte


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