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毕业设计论文 芜湖市三山区工业园2#成品仓库 摘 要 毕业设计主要是编制投标书中的商务标,掌握定额计价模式的计价过程,按照我省98定额建设工程计价依据,对芜湖市三山区工业园2#成品仓库工程进行了工程量的计算并依据定额工程量进行投标报价。现如今建筑市场实行了招投标制度,有利于控制工程投资;有利于鼓励施工企业公平竞争,不断降低社会平均劳动消耗水平;有利于形成由市场定价的价格体制.使工程造价更加趋于合理;有利于规范价格行为,使公开、公平、公正的原则得以贯彻。在这次课程设计中,我主要完成了投标文件中的商务标,包括投标函、工程量计算表、工程预算表、工料明细表、工料汇总表、主材价差计算表、取费表等。在这次课题设计中,我体会到知识是需要点滴积累,书到用时方恨少。要完成一项任务,是需要你各个方面的知识与能力共同作用的结果。 关键词:商务标;投标报价;定额 Abstract The graduation project was to develop the business standard tenders, master fixed pricing model valuation process, according to the province 98 scale construction project valuation based on Wuhu City Mountain Industrial Park 2 # finished goods warehouse project carried out engineering calculations and works based on the amount of the fixed tender offer. Construction market is now implemented a bidding system, help control project investment; conducive to encourage fair competition construction enterprises, continue to lower the average social labor consumption levels; favors the formation of prices by the market pricing system. The project cost more reasonable; help standardize the price behavior, so that an open, fair and just principles to be implemented. During the course design, I completed a major in business standard bidding documents, including the Letter of Tender, engineering calculation sheet, project budget table, quantity schedule, quantity summary table, the main material spread calculation table, take charge schedule and so on. In the design of this project, I realized that the gradual accumulation of knowledge is needed, to use the book hates few when goes. To complete a task, is needed in all aspects of your knowledge and ability . Keywords: Business Standard; tender offer; fixed 目录 商务标 - 1 - 1.1 商务标封面 - 1 - 1.2 投 标 函 - 2 - 1.3 法定代表人资格证明书 - 3 - 1.4 授权委托书 - 4 - 1.5 承诺书 - 5 - 1.6 辅助资料表 - 6 - 1.7 编制说明 - 7 - 1.8 建筑工程预算书 - 9 - 1.8.1建筑工程取费表 - 10 - 1.8.2工程预算表 - 11 - 1.8.3主要材料价差计算表 - 14 - 1.8.4工料分析汇总表 - 15 - 1.8.5工料分析明细表 - 16 - 1.8.


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