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智能楼宇防盗报警系统 摘 要 住房,这个一直伴随人类进步的存在,越来越受到人们的重视,它不再仅仅是人们寻求遮风避雨的场所,更加是我们在从事一天的社会活动后的归宿,是对完整私人空间的需求。所以,老式的楼房门锁,已渐渐不能保证人们的安全感,我们需要寻找一种集防火,防盗等多项功能于一体的智能系统,极大程度地保护用户的隐私和安全。 本文初步建模和探索这种系统,介绍了系统结构、组成及硬件和软件设计。本系统基于AT89C51单片机,集防盗防火功能于一身,可实现自动检测与自动电话拨号报警。并分分别对安全性和抗干扰进行了优化。当防盗、防火探测器检测到险情的时候,向单片机发出中断申请,再由单片机控制电话接口电路,实现模拟摘机,根据险情类别,自动拨打相关部门的电话号码如小区管理中心电话。本系统通过密码来识别主人身份,系统开启后只有输入正确的密码才能关闭系统。系统从硬件方面进行了抗干扰设计,使其具有较好的抗干扰能力,完成系统可靠工作。 关键词:防盗报警系统,防火防盗,语音报警 ABSTRACT House, the existence grows with human beings, attracts more and more people’s notice. It is not only a living-building, but also a home to retune and a necessary of private space. So some old door-lock are out of style, we need a new intelligence system which offers functions of theft-proof and fireproof to helps user protect their safe and privacy. This paper discusses the design and realization of an intelligence building burglar alarm system based on AT89C51. It introduces the system structure, formation, soft, hardware design. This system has functions of theft-proof and fireproof, it can automatic check itself and dial automatically. And we also improve the safety and stability. When the sensor of fireproofing or burglarproof detects any off normal signal, an interrupt request is sent to the MCU. Next the MCU control the interface module of telephone to accomplish off hook. According the kind of dangerous, the dialing module will automatically dial the right phone number such as the phone number of community management center. The system discerns the master by the secret code. Only imputed correct secret code, could system be closed. The system is designed by considering the anti-interference in the side of the hardware. It can work with high reliability. Keywords: intelligent alarm system; theft-proof and fireproof; phonetic alarm 目 录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 目 录 III 第一章 绪 论 1 1.1 概述 1 1.2防盗报警系统的前景 1 1.3论文设计意义 2 第二章 系统总体方案设计 3 2.1 智能报警系统的总体构成 3 2.2报警系统的功能及其工作过程 3 2.2.1 报警系统的功能 3 2.2.2 报警系


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