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编号 论文 题目 板料冲压数控送料机结构设计 机械工程学院专业 学号 学生姓 指导教师 周建华 __________________ 二〇一三年 摘 要 然后,利用solidworks完成每个模块主要零部件的三维建模,再将每个模块的零件进行部件装配,最后完成总体装配设计。根据总装图来检验结构设计是否合理,然后不断改进,进而不断优化设计,达到预期目的。 关键词: ABSTRACT This paper introduces a used sheet metal CNC Feeder structural design. Actual departure from the production line, according to the specific requirements and functional requirements of the work environment designed a second time manipulator. First, in accordance with its intended job requirements on the material structure of the program sheet to complete feeding basic functions. Stampability functional requirements analysis to determine the degree of freedom in the table, and then determine the workbench design. According to the overall design, the design is divided into sheet feeding mechanism, the table structure of two transmission modules. Within each module, using a top-down design approach, from the original mechanism to drive mechanism, to final implementation structures, the gradual completion of each module detailed design of specific parts, as well as important parts of the calculation and verification. 牋 sThen, the main components of each module solidworks complete three-dimensional modeling, and then each module parts for parts assembly, and finally completed the overall assembly design. According assembly diagram to test structural design is reasonable, then continue to improve, and then continue to optimize the design to achieve the desired purpose. Keywords: Sucker feeding, feeding pulley, XY axis table translational 目录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 课题的来源 1 1.2 课题的意义 1 1.3课题的研究内容 1 1.4行业发展趋势 1 1.5 国内外研究概况 2 1.6论文结构安排 3 第2章总体方案的设计 5 2.1研究方案 5 2.2总体结构设计 5 2.3上料装置结构设计 5 2.4定位传动装置结构设计 6 2.5主要技术指标 6 第3章上料装置结构设计及其校核 7 3.1吸盘的设计及选择 7 3.1.1 概述 7 3.1.2真空吸盘的特点 8 3.1.3 真空吸盘的分类 8 3.1.4 真空吸盘的材质 9 3.1.5 真空吸盘的选择 9 3.2直线导轨的选择 10 3.1.1 滚珠丝杠导轨的特点 11 3.1.2 同步


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