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七层酒店消防水系统设计 摘 要 目前,酒店业已成为现代经济的一项重要产业。然而美丽的背后,火灾隐患是存在的,而且酒店建筑的火灾具有突发性、扑灭难度较大等特点,一定程度上危害了人们的生命财产安全。本设计主要针对某七层酒店的消防水系统进行设计。 该酒店,无地下层,地上共七层,一层是大厅,二层是餐厅和娱乐场所,三到七层为是客房。根据相关设计规范要求该建筑为二类建筑,危险级别为轻危险级。根据该酒店的布局的特点,室内设置消火栓,设计流量为20L/s,保护半径有计算所得为28.5m。自动喷水灭火系统采用闭式湿式自动喷水灭火系统,喷头选取68℃闭式吊顶型玻璃球喷头系统的流量30L/s,扬程为100mH2O。通过计算分别给消火栓系统和自动喷水灭火系统设置减压装置。 关键词: 酒店 水系统 消火栓 自动喷水灭火系统 Design of fire water system on seven-story hotel ABSTRACT Currently, the hotel has become an important industry in the modern economy. But behind the beauty, fire hazards exist, and the hotel has a lot of problems such as sudden fire, fighting more difficult and so on.Therefore, this design is mainly for a seven-story hotel fire water system design. The hotel has 7 ground floors. No basement, first floor is the hall, second floor is the restaurant and entertainment, three to seven for the rooms. Accordance with the relevant design code the specifications of the building is two class construction, dangerous levels of risk for the light level. According to the characteristics of the layout of an integrated floor, indoor sets fire hydrant which fire hydrant design flow is 20L/s, and protection radius is calculated as 28.5m. Automatic sprinkler system with closed wet sprinkler system select 68 ℃ closed glass ball ceiling sprinklers. The system setting flow is 30L/sand head to 100 mH2O . The pressure relief of the fire hydrant system and sprinkler system was set By means of Calculating. Key words: Hotel;Water system; Fire Hydrant ; Automatic Sprinkler System 目 录 ABSTRACT II 第1章 概述 1 1.1 设计依据 1 1.1.1 设计规范 1 1.1.2 法律规范 1 1.2 消防给水系统概况 1 1.3 建筑概况 2 1.3.1 酒店火灾危险性分析 2 1.3.2 设计概况 2 第2章 消防水系统 4 2.1 室外消火栓系统 4 2.1.1 室外消火栓的类型 4 2.1.2 室外消防给水系统设置原则 5 2.2 室内消火栓系统 5 2.2.1 系统组成及主要设备 5 2.2.2 室内消火栓布置要求 7 2.2.3 室内管网设置要求 8 2.3 自动喷水灭火系统 8 2.3.1 系统组成及主要特点 9 2.3.2 系统主要设备 11 第3章 消火栓系统设计 13 3.1 室外消火栓的设计 13 3.2 室内消火栓系统设计计算依据 14 3.2.1 水枪充实水柱长度 14 3.2.2 消火栓间距及保护半径 15 3.2.3 消火栓栓口所需压力 16 3.2.4 给水管网



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