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植物类英语单词归类 花草类 azalea杜鹃花 begonia秋海棠 cactus仙人掌 camellia山茶花 canna美人蕉 chrysanthemum菊花 yellow chrysanthemum 黄菊 black chrysanthemum 墨菊 red chrysanthemum 红菊 white chrysanthemum 白菊 coreopsis 波斯菊 daisy雏菊 dahlia大丽花 datura曼陀罗 hawthorn山楂 jasmine茉莉 lilac丁香 lily百合 morning glory牵牛花cockscomb 鸡冠花 narcissus水仙花 peony牡丹 poppy罂粟花 redbud紫荆 wisteria 紫藤 early lilac 紫丁香 violet紫罗兰 rose玫瑰 rose月季 tulip郁金香 sunflower葵花 dandelion蒲公英 Brazil 巴西木 Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花 Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花 epiphyllum 昙花 fringed iris 蝴蝶花 fuchsia 倒挂金钟Gladiola 剑兰 orchid兰花 mangnolia 木兰花 mangnolia 玉兰花 kaffir lily 君子兰 oleander 夹竹桃 pansy 三色堇 peony 牡丹 peony 芍药 phalaenopsis 蝶兰 setose asparagus 文竹 touch-me-not (balsam) 凤仙花 water hyacinth 凤眼兰 twin lotus 并蒂莲lotus荷花 black mulberry黑桑white mulberry 白桑 osmanthus桂花 round cardamom豆蔻 carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨)red carnation-红康乃馨 yellow carnation黄康乃馨tuberose 晚香玉 winter jasmine 迎春花 white camellia 白茶花 red camellia 红茶花 hyacinth 风信子 gardenia 栀子花 forget me not 勿忘我 belis of Ireland 爱尔兰风铃草 arbutus 杨梅 cyclamen???仙客来 ?anemone???银莲花 dogwood???山茱萸? ?hydrangea???八仙花 ?peony???芍药? ?Daphne???瑞香 ?plum ?洋李? pistil???雌蕊? ovary???子房? petal???花瓣? anther???花药? stamen???雄蕊? ectar?gland??蜜腺 sepal???萼片? 树木类 松树 pine 落叶松 larch 矮松pinon pine 赤松Japanese red pine 柏树 cypress 刺柏Taiwan juniper 竹子 bamboo 白杨 poplar 白蜡树Chinese ash 柳树 willow 垂柳weeping willow 柽柳Chinese tamarisk 白桦 birch 枫树 maple 枫香树Chinese sweet gum 枞树,杉树 fir 榕树 banyan 桉树 eucalyptus 洋槐,刺槐 locust 樟树 camphor tree 榆树 elm 檀香木 sandalwood 橡树 oak 银杏树 ginkgo 冬青 holly 椰树 coco 枣树 date 山核桃树 hickory 山毛榉 beech 猴面包树 baobab 棕榈树 palm 月桂树 laurel 常青藤 ivy 橄榄树 olive 红树,红树林 mangrove 沉香agalloch eaglewood 香椿树Chinese toon tree 臭椿树tree of heaven 茶树tea tree 楮paper mulberry 丹竹the red bamboo 凤尾竹fernleaf hedge bamboo 树干trunk 树冠the crown of a tree 观音竹fernleaf hedge bamboo 果木fruit tree 灌木shrub (bush) 合欢(树)silk tree 红豆ormosia 红杉Chinese larch 北美红杉red wood 红松Korean pine 铁树sago cyeas (cycas) 梧桐树Chinese parasol tree 橡胶树rub


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