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Enzyme purity analysis M G200 DEAE 200KDa 116KDa 97KDa 66KDa 116KDa SDSNative Gel 2. ADE protein sequencing fragment sequences detected by MS Identical protein Gene ID Ogranisms 1 PPEVNTIQLSK laccase ACB22018.1 (partial CDS) Litchi chinensis 2 AVHYDFVVK diphenol oxidase AAB09228.1 (Full length) Acer pseudoplatanus 3 ACPTPSDGPEYVTQCK laccase NP_196498.1 (Full length) Arabidopsis thaliana 4 SMLTVNGSFPGLLLR diphenol oxidase AAB09228.1 (Full length) Acer pseudoplatanus Based on protein sequencing, ADE may be a laccase(漆酶) or diphenol oxidase(双酚氧化酶) 自发裂解 国内外尚未能在植物中分离到高纯度的花色素苷-β-糖苷酶蛋白或克隆到编码该酶的基因。 花色素苷 花色素苷-β-糖苷酶 花色素 +糖 花色素苷进一步降解或被植物再利用! 4、生物碱-甜菜素 (红色) The advantage of betalain color is that the color does not depend on the pH and is more stable than that from anthocyanins. 主要用于食品,如饮料、碳酸饮料、配制酒、糖果、糕点上彩装、红绿丝、青梅、山楂制品、果冻等的着色,为红色着剂 The color of anthocyanin is pH-dependent. Beet 甜菜 Cactus Mammillaria 苋菜 amaranthus caudatus尾穗苋 Bougainvillea 叶子花(勒杜鹃) 红叶: 因秋天降温,体内积累较多糖分以适应寒冷, 就形成较多的花色素苷(红色),叶子就呈红色。 * * * * * Flavonoids and their biosynthetic pathway in A. majus. (A) Flower colors in A. majus cultivar (cv.) Snap Yellow (Left) and cv. Merryland Pink (Right). Shown are petal color on the adaxial side of cv. Snap Yellow (B) and of cv. Merryland Pink (C). Fluorescent microcopies in cv. Snap Yellow (D) and Merryland Pink (E). Cross sections show that fluorescence is restricted to the pigmented adaxial epidermis of cv. Snap Yellow (F and G). (Scale bar: 100 μm.) (H) Flavonoid biosynthetic pathway. The 4′ position of chalcones corresponds to the 6 position of aurones and the 7 position of flavanone (naringenin). Dotted arrow, aurone biosynthetic activity of AmAS1 in vitro; thick arrows, the aurone biosynthetic pathway in vivo reported in this study; thin arrows, the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway; CHS, chalcone synthase; CHI, chalcone isomerase; F3H, flavanone 3-hydroxylase; DFR, dihydroflavonol 4-reductase; ANS, anthocyanindin synthase; 3GT, anthocyanin 3-O-glucosyltran


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