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第 30 卷 第 12 期 中 南 林 业 科 技 大 学 学 报 V ol .30 N o .12 2010 年 12 月 Journal of Central South University of Forestry Technology Dec .2010
文亚峰,韩文军 ,吴 顺
(中南林业科技大学, 湖南, 长沙 410004)
摘 要: 遗传多样性是生物多样性的基础和核心, 了解和掌握植物遗传多样性影响因素及其变化规律, 对于植 物资源的保护及可持续利用具有十分重要的意义。 对植物遗传多样性的特点、影响因素、作用规律和各因素之间 的相互关系进行了论述。 遗传多样性是生物在长期进化和发展过程中形成的自然属性, 具有广泛性、特异性和适 应性等特点。 能确定和改变植物种群遗传多样性的内部因素包括物种的繁育系统(生殖方式)、遗传漂变、自然选 择、基因突变和基因流, 同时还包括由于环境变化和人为干扰引起的种群隔离、生境片断化等外部因素。 内部因 素可直接作用于基因组, 引起等位基因数目与频率的变化, 外部因素不会直接改变基因(等位基因)数目与频率, 只能通过某种间接方式使植物群体的遗传多样性水平和遗传结构发生变化。 植物种群是一个大的生态系统, 各 因素之间会相互影响、相互制约, 共同作用使植物群体遗传多样性维持在相对平衡状态。
关键词: 植物群体, 遗传多样性, 遗传分化, 影响因素, 作用机制 中图分类号: Q 943 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1673-923X(2010)12 -0080 -08
Plant genetic diversity and its influencing factors
WEN Ya-feng , HA N Wen-jun , W U Shun
(Cent ral South U niversity of Forestry and T echnology , Changsha 410004, Hunan, China)
Abstract:Genetic diversity is the foundation and core of biological diversity .For us understanding the influencing factors of plant genetic diversity and its change pattern is very important to carry out the plant protection and sustainable utilization .G enetic diversity is the natural attributes in the long-term biological evolution and develop-
ment , w hich has the characteristics of specificity and adaptability features and exists in every biology population. Plant genetic diversity was affected by the internal factors , including plant breeding system , genetic drif t, natural
selection , gene mutation and gene flow .Internal factors could act directly on the genome , causing the number of allele f requency change .Environmental change and human interference are the external factors;they can cause plant population isolated and habitat fragment, and indirectly change the gene (allele) number and frequency .Plant population is a large ecosystem ;these influencing factors may interact with each other and maintain the plant genet-ic diversity in a relatively balanced state .
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