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(2016届) 毕业论文(设计) 题  目:Zn粉还原法制备药物中间体4—— AA的研究 学  院:   生物与化学工程学院       专  业:  制药工程        班  级:  制药121        学  号:  201238945138       姓  名:       张坤林           指导教师:       钱 广           教 务 处 制 2016年 3月16日 诚信声明 我声明,所呈交的论文(设计)是本人在老师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究结果。据我查证,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文(设计)中不包括其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得本校或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。我承诺,论文(设计)中的所有内容均真实、可信。 论文(设计)作者签名: 签名日期: 授权声明 学院有权保留送交论文(设计)的原件,允许论文(设计)被查阅和借阅,学校可以公布论文(设计)的全部或部分内容,可以影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文(设计),学校必须严格按照授权对论文(设计)进行处理,不得超越授权对论文(设计)进行任意处理。 论文(设计)作者签名: 签名日期: Zn粉还原法制备药物中间体4—AA的研究关键词: 4-AA中间体合成还原 Zinc powder reduction of drug intermediates prepared by the research of AA Abstract: 4-AA (4- acetoxy azetidinone) is an important key intermediate synthetic drugs, raw materials are required carbapenem antibiotic and carbapenem β- lactam chemical synthesis, low cost, high yield rate, benefit good 4 - acetoxyl group nitrogen heterocyclic synthesis butanone, has become the focus of the pharmaceutical research and development of enterprises. The main purpose of this paper is to improve the synthesis of 4-AA pharmaceutical intermediates. Methods: about -15 ℃, with 4-AA ozone solution (4-AA starting material with ozone oxidation) Zn powder as raw materials through reduction to give the title compound, and the various factors to be optimized. Results: According to the experimental product was purified by TLC to track the extent of the reaction to determine the progress of the reaction. Conclusion: The end of the reaction to be determined, the product was recrystallized 4-AA give white needles, mp 107-109 ℃, The yield was 65.6%, relatively high purity. This method is a short process route, the economic environment, and easy operation has great potential for industrial applications. Keywords: 4-acetoxyazet


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