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* In this example, a Class C network is subnetted to provide 6 host addresses and 30 subnets. No. Bits Subnet Mask No. Subnets No. Hosts 2 92 2 62 3 24 6 30 4 40 14 14 5 48 30 6 6 52 62 2 * Broadcasting is supported on the internet. Broadcast messages are those you want every host on the network to see. The broadcast address is formed by using all ones within the IP address. The Cisco IOS?software supports two kinds of broadcasts: Directed broadcasts Flooding Flooded broadcasts (55) are not propagated, but are considered local broadcasts. Broadcasts directed into a specific network are allowed and are forwarded by the router. These directed broadcasts contain all ones in the host portion of the address. * Written Exercise: Broadcast Addresses Objective: Configure IP addresses. Write the address class, subnet number, and the broadcast address for the subnet for each of the IP addresses and subnet masks in the table. * The graphic shows a small network with assigned interface addresses, subnet masks, and resulting subnet numbers. The number of bits in each subnet mask is indicated by the /8 following the mask. 网络、主机和子网 第3个8位组 第4个8位组 十进制IP地址 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 子网掩码 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 52 网络地址 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 范围中的第1个地址 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 范围中最后地址 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 广播地址 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 在给定30位子网掩码,选出了第1个可用的网络号(),并去掉全1和全0的主机IP地址之后,就剩下下面的地址范围:~。广播地址的所有主机位为1,即17。可以选出其中的一个IP地址,并将它分配给串行链路的一端,另一个IP地址就分配给串行链路的另一端。 接下来,将计算交换机网段所使用的IP地址范围,它包含4个路由器接口。我们给定29位的子网掩码,选出第1个可用的网络地址。在这种情况下,第1个可用的网络是,如下表示。同理可得出其他几个表格。 无类域间路由 (CIDR) RFC 1519 无类域间路由(Classless Interdomain Routing,CIDR)是一种工业标准,用来显示与主机或网络IP地址一起使用的子网位数。假定IP地址为,掩码为,现在不是将IP地址和子网掩码分开来写,而是将它们合在一起。例如,/24就表示32位子网掩码中有24个为1。 下面列出了所有可能的CIDR: 注意,CIDR列表从/0开始,到/32结束。随着RFC 3021的发布,/31可能用在点对点中行链路中了,而不是像以前那样使用/30,这样就可以减少1/2的地址使用量。由于点对点连接中连接两个系统,因此没有理由将一个地址专用于网络地址,再将另一个地址专用于广播地址。/32的地址被分配作为主机路由,它通常分给路由器上的回


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