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湿式石灰—石膏法脱硫工艺的改进 吴杨 (宁夏电力科技教育工程院) 摘 要:燃煤电厂作为大气污染治理的重点对象,其污染物控制技术一直受到重视。烟气多污染物一体化控制技术(MPC)与单独进行脱硫或脱氮工艺相比,具有很大的优势和发展前景。文章对目前应用的主要多污染物控制技术做了简短的工艺介绍、并对其应用发展状况,优缺点和技术经济性作了分析,着重介绍了新兴技术在多污染物控制中的优越性能。而目前我国的主流脱硫技术是湿式石灰石-石膏法,该工艺仅能实现硫氧化物的脱除,而不能脱除氮氧化物及重金属汞。本文主要研究将电环境技术加入到传统的湿式石灰石-石膏法吸收塔中,在某些催化剂存在的条件下,在制浆用水中产生臭氧或羟基自由基,从而实现还原态烟气污染物的氧化转化并去除,省去了原有的强制氧化装置。 关键词:多污染物控制(MPC) ECO SO2 NOx 汞 燃煤电厂 Abstract As an emphases object of air pollution control, the pollutant control technologies in coal-fired power plant are always subjected to extensive concern. In this article a study on the technology of multi-pollutant control is carried out for flue gas in the coal-fired power plant. Compared with the separate desulfurization or denitrification technology, the multi-pollutants control technologies possess prodigious predominance and long term potential. Various of multi-pollutant control technologies have been clearly introduced and made exhaustive analyses in this article, such as craft, application, develop status, relative merits and technical economy. Emphasized introducing the high performance emerging technologies . Currently the main desulphurization technology of our country is the wet limestone- gypsum method, which can only realize the removal of the sulfur oxide but cannot remove the nitrogen monoxide. This article mainly studies the using the electrical environment technology to produce ozone or hydroxyl free radical in the pulping water when certain catalyst exists. Thus it can realize the oxidization of the reduction gas and then removal of the multi-pollutants in the traditional wet limestone- gypsum absorption tower, saving the former forcing oxidation equipment. Key Words: Multi-pollutant control(MPC), ECO, SO2,NOx,Mercury, Coal-fired power plant 1 国内外多污染控制技术研究现状 我国的能源消费以煤为主,预测到2010年、2020年,我国煤炭产量将分别达到23亿t和30亿t。煤炭在为工农业生产和人民生活提供丰富能源的同时,也成为我国环境污染的主要污染源。我国的环境形势非常严竣,烟尘、粉尘、SOx,NOx以及由此而产生的酸雨等对大气环境造成了极大的危害,酸雨面积已超过国土面积的29%。燃煤电厂是煤炭的主要用户,针对火电厂是排放烟尘及二氧化硫的重点行业的特点,我国相应制定了《


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