The Selling of the Tree Shade买树荫-幼儿教育课.ppt

The Selling of the Tree Shade买树荫-幼儿教育课.ppt

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The Selling of the Tree Shade 买树荫 女朋友生日礼物送什么好;Scene 1: The Greedy Lord Sold Tree Shade 第一幕:贪心财主卖树荫 Narrators: One day, it was very hot. The ground was cracked by the sun. A group of poor workers who were tired of working were resting under a tree. 旁白:有一天,天气非常热,大地上被太阳晒得都快裂开来了,一群为了生计疲于奔命的穷人在一棵大树下歇脚、乘凉。 ;Passenger 1: It is so hot! 路人一:天气真热啊! Passengers: And we still have to work. 路人们:但我们还是得干活。 Passenger 1: Yeah! We must return Bayi’s money. 路人一:“是啊,我们必须还巴依老爷的钱。;Passengers: It’s hard to relax. Let’s sing and dance.Just be happy. 路人们:难得轻松,让我们一起来唱歌、跳舞,乐一乐吧! All People: OK! OK! 众人:“好!好!好!” ;(The music was on. Some were playing instrument; some were singing and dancing. How happy they were!) (音乐声响起,人们有的弹琴,有的载歌载舞,好不热闹!) The greedy master Bayi and his wife heard the poor workers talking and had an idea. 贪财的巴依老爷和老婆在一旁听到穷人们的谈话声,冷眼旁观,心生计谋,起了个鬼主意。 ;Master Bayi: Go away! Who let you stay here? 巴依老爷:“滚开!谁让你们呆在这的,啊?” Passenger 1: The road is public. Why can’t we rest here? 路人一:“这路是大伙的,干嘛不让我们乘凉?” ;Master Bayi: Right. But the tree is mine. So is the tree shade. If you want to rest under my tree, you must pay me. 巴依老爷:“没错,可这树是我的,树荫也是我的,想要乘凉就得付钱!” All people: No! How unreasonable! 众路人:不,哪有你这么不讲理的! ;Master Bayi: Then go! 巴依老爷:上!把他们都赶走! Bayi’s stewards approached the poor workers. They beat, kicked and pushed the poor away from the tree. As they stole all their money, Afanti approached on his donkey. 巴依家的管家一拥而上,拳打脚踢,把路人们都赶走了,还抢光了他们身上的钱。正在这时,路过的阿凡提骑着毛驴过来了。;Afanti: Ha…, Master Bayi, if you get your money like this, no one will come. Maybe you can sell me your tree shade and I will give you a lot of money. What do you think? 阿凡提:“哈哈哈!巴依老爷,你这样收钱可就没人来乘凉了。倒不如把这块树荫卖给我,我可以给你一大笔钱,怎么样啊?” Master Bayi: What? You buy it? You don’t have enough money. 巴依老爷:“你要买啊,我要很多钱!” ;Afanti : No problem. Give me a piece of paper, please. Agreed! Here’s the money, catch! 阿凡提:“没问题! 请给我纸。成交!给你钱,接住!” Master Bayi: Gold, gold! 巴依老爷:钱,钱! Bayi’s wife: Give it to me! 巴依老婆:给我! ;Master Bayi: Dear, wait for me! 巴依老爷:亲爱的,等等


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