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Increase in MAGE-11 protein during CWR22 prostate cancer progression. Adam R. Karpf et al. Mol Cancer Res 2009;7:523-535 ?2009 by American Association for Cancer Research Increase in MAGE-11 protein during CWR22 prostate cancer progression. A. MAGE-11 and AR immunostaining was analyzed in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of the CWR22 xenograft excised from intact noncastrated mice and on days 2, 6, 12, and 120 after castration and longer for the castration-recurrent tumor, using MAGE-11 antibody MagAb94-108 8 μg/mL and AR PG21 Upstate; 1:150 dilution . Brown reaction product indicates immunoreactivity against a toluidine blue counterstain. Original magnification, ×400. B. Immunoblots of MAGE-11, AR, TIF2, and p300 were assayed using CWR22 xenograft extracts prepared from intact-7 day 0; lane 2 , day 2 castrate-3 lane 3 , day 6 castrate-2 lane 4 , day 12 castrate-2 lane 5 , day 120 castrate-3 lane 6 , and castration-recurrent-4 Rec; lane 7 according to the numbering of RNA analysis in Fig. 1. Protein extracts 100 μg/lane were analyzed using antibodies as described in Materials and Methods. Combined extracts from COS cells transfected with pSG5-MAGE-11, pCMV-AR, pSG5-TIF2 and pSG5-HA-p300 served as protein controls lanes 1 and 8 , and endogenous β-actin served as a loading control.


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