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摘要 随着网络的发展,基于计算机对信息管理的高效性,各种信息管理平台跃入人们的视野。其中,网上书城就是典型的信息管理系统(MIS)。 本系统是基于JavaEE三层结构的B/S(Browser/Server)模型软件,包含以下三个部分:表示层、业务逻辑层和数据访问层。结合MVC框架模式的分层结构,将应用分成Model(模型)、View(视图)、Control(控制)3个部分。3个部分以最少的耦合协同工作,从而提高了应用的可扩展性和可维护性。它使用了目前最为流行的Java语言,结合JSP技术,在MyEclipse集成开发环境下编写,用户界面友好。其中B/S结构得以让数据在IE浏览器上显示,数据处理在服务器上进行,用户不必安装客户端,而且数据通过服务器端的统一管理,保证其一致性。另外系统使用小型关系型数据库MySQL作为网站的后台数据库系统。 本系统总体可分成两大基本功能:前台管理和后台管理。前台管理主要包括用户注册、登录、注销、密码找回、修改用户信息、浏览图书、订购图书、提交订单、查看特价图书信息等功能。后台管理主要包括登录、图书维护、订单处理、确认订单、发送订单等功能。通过对各个模块的实现、集成,最后完成的系统可以为用户提供基本的服务,并且可以根据管理员的需要,对用户的信息以及图书信息实施管理。 【关键词】网上书店;Java;MyEclipse;JavaEE;B/S;MySQL;MVC Abstract With the development of the network, based on computer information management efficiency, all kinds of information management platform into peoples horizons. Among them, the online bookstore is a typical application of managing information system (MIS). This system is based on JavaEE three-layer structure of B/S (Browser/Server) model software, include the following three parts: the presentation layer, business logic layer and data access layer. Combining with the MVC framework Model of hierarchical structure, will be applied into the Model, the View, the Control three parts. Three parts to work together with the least amount of coupling, so as to improve the scalability and maintainability of the application. It USES at present the most popular Java language, combined with JSP technology, write in MyEclipse integration development environment, user friendly interface. With B/S structure to make data on Internet explorer, according to the data processing on the server, the user does not have to install the client, and the data through a server-side unified management, ensure the consistency. The system using a small relational database MySQL as the website backstage database system. This system in general can be divided into two basic functions: the front desk and background management. Front desk management mainly includes the user register, login, logout, password,



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