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上海音乐学院来华留学生申请表(非学历生) Application Form for International Students Shanghai Conservatory of Music(Non-degree Program) 护照姓 Passport Surname 护照名 Passport Given Name 中文姓名 Chinese Name 照片 Photo 性别 Sex 出生日期Date of Birth 国籍 Nationality 出生地点Place of Birth 护照号码: Passport No. 护照有效期: Valid Until 宗教信仰 Religion 婚姻状况 Marital Status 手机号码 Mobile phone No. 本国联系方式 Address in Your Home Country 电话Tel 邮编Zip code 录取材料邮寄地址 Address of Receiving Admission Documents 电话Tel 邮编Zip code 紧急联络人姓名 Person for Emergency Contact 电话Tel 最后学历 Highest Academic Degree 电子邮箱Email 现工作或学习单位 Employer or Institution 所在年级 Current Grade 职业 Current Occupation 申请专业和主修科目 Field of Study Subjects □汉语 Chinese Language □音乐进修 请在下面选择填写 Music Major Please Select from below 入学时间Intake time: 年Yr. 月Mo. 学习时间Study Duration: □1学期1 Semester ; □2学期2 Semesters; □1年以上More than One year □作曲Composition. □指挥Conducting □中国民族乐器演奏Chinese Traditional Instruments Performance □音乐学 Musicology □钢琴Piano □声乐歌剧Voice Opera □管弦乐器演奏Orchestral Instruments Performance □音乐教育Music Education □艺术管理Arts Administration □音乐工程Music Engineering □现代器乐与打击乐Modern Instruments and Percussion □音乐戏剧Music Theatre 拟主修科目Major to Apply 汉语能力Chinese Proficiency HSK证书HSK Certificate,Level 在何处学习(study from) □ 在本国(Home) □ 在中国(China) □ 其他地方(Other place) 学习时间(study hours) □ 100 hours □100~300 hours □300~600 hours □ 600~900 hours □900~1200 hours □ 1200 hours 推荐人/机构: Recommended by 经费来源Source of Funding 奖学金 Scholarship 自费 Self-supporting 校际交流(Exchange Student) 其他(Other) 备注:未满18岁申请者请填写以下监护人信息 Note: Applicant under 18 should fill in the part of Guardian’s information 监护人姓名Guardian’s name: 国籍Nationality: 与被监护人关系Relation to the applicant: 电话: Telephone No. 监护人保证Guardian hereby affirms that 监督该生不从事学习目的以外的活动并保证遵守本地法律To supervise the applicant not to do anything not applicable for an exchange student; and assure him/her will abide by the local laws. 督促该生努力学习并遵守上海音乐学院的各项规章制度To urge the applicant to exert to study industriously and observe the pert


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