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DA 11-1576 Released: September 19, 2011 COMPETITION DATA REQUESTED IN SPECIAL ACCESS NPRM WC Docket No. 05-25, RM-10593 In this Public Notice, we invite voluntary submissions of data to assist the Commission in evaluating the various issues that have been raised in the Special Access NPRM. In that NPRM, the Commission explained that an examination of the current state of competition for special access services is critical to determine whether the Commission’s pricing flexibility rules are working as intended. In addition, the Commission sought comment on appropriate measures to ensure that price cap rates for special access services remain just and reasonable after expiration of the CALLS plan. Subsequently, the Commission sought updated information on these issues, and the parties continue to provide their views to Commission staff. On November 5, 2009, the Commission released a Public Notice inviting comment on the appropriate analytical framework for determining whether the current rules are working. The National Broadband Plan recommended that this framework ensure that rates, terms and conditions for special access are just and reasonable, given the significant role special access circuits play in the availability and pricing of fixed and mobile broadband services. Determining what data are available is a key factor in developing an appropriate framework. Moreover, there are certain data that would need to be reviewed regardless of which analytical framework is ultimately adopted. Accordingly, on October 28, 2010, the Commission issued the Special Access Facilities Data Public Notice, which sought detailed data on special access facilities. In this Public Notice, the Commission asks for voluntary submissions of pricing and related competition data. Given that many of the questions in this Public Notice seek data that is updated periodically to account for retroactive adjustments, we request that parties submit calendar-year 2010 data for most que


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