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English Drama Why do we learn English Drama? Language competence Confidence Comprehension Imagination Creativity Team work 戏剧教学现状概述 戏剧教学现状概述 国外教育较为发达的国家 非常普及 国内 进行戏剧教学的高校并不多 国内戏剧教学发展受限的原因 课时紧张、资金困难、没有排练演出场地、缺乏布景、灯光、音响等技术支持 ; 缺少合适的演出剧本 缺少必要的戏剧表导演训练 那么, 我们培训的内容有哪些? 第一部分:介绍戏剧演出的主要人员, 如演员、导演、技术小组、舞台监督; 第二部分:进行声音、形体等方面的训练; 第三部分:选择部分英文原版戏剧进行改写; 第四部分:选择部分剧本进行排练、演出。 几点要求: 按时上课,原则上不允许请假。一个学期请假超过3次将除去话剧团成员资格。 按时按质完成指导老师布置的任务和作业,不得拖欠。 代表学院参加省内外比赛时,做到以大局为重,无条件服从学院组织安排。 Chapter 1 Amateur Theater FAQs Special Terms Drama Actor Director Rehearsal Audition Blocking Cue Audience Costume Backstage Backdrop Playwright Curtain call Lines Cast Crew Run-through Props Actor Director Designer Team Stage Manager Audience Etiquette Actor FAQs What is an actor? What basic skills should I have as an actor? How do I get a part in a play? How do I learn the part? Rehearsal Performance After performance Jacky Chen Daniel Craig Gong Li Julia Roberts What is an actor? Someone who acts on stage, television, film, or radio. Acting is the least mysterious of all crafts. Whenever we want sth. from sb. or when we want to hide sth. or pretend, we’re acting. Most people do it all day long. ---Marlone Brando The Godfather Actor’s involvement Audition ---The way that the actor gets a role. Rehearsal --- The actor learns it. Performance ---The actor produces it on stage. What basic skills should I have as an actor? Body preparation Voice preparation Observation and imagination Technique What can you see on this picture? What are they talking about? How to play an old man or old woman since you are a young actor? Technical actors Instinctive actors Visibility principle Don not face the audience with your backs. How to get a part in a play? What are they doing? How to get a part in a play? The audition Get a copy of the audition piece. Look up all the unfamiliar words in the dictionary and make sure you can pronounce them correctly. Read the whole play at least once Memorize the audition piece


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