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第1章作业 思考题: 11、12、14、15 注意:只收手写作业!不收打印作业或电子版作业! 11.画图:1)在p-V坐标图上画出四冲程增压柴油机的示功图,用箭头注明各过程进行方向,并在曲线上标出进、排气门早开、晚关和着火的五个点。2)在p- ?坐标图上对应画出上述示功图的压力变化图(整个循环)和上述对应的五个点。(注意:图画大一点。各曲线形状及对应关系要定性准确。坐标原点及上、下止点都要标出来。) 12. 基于Pe的综合表达式(1-31)分析:1)哪些参数属于质环节参数?哪些参数属于量环节参数?2)由自吸式改为增压式发动机时,式中各种参数怎样变化?能否提高Pe? 14.6135Q -1四冲程柴油机,冲程140mm,发动机转速2200r/min时的机械效率为0.75,输出功率为154kW,有效油耗为217g/kW.h。已知柴油热值为42500kJ/kg。求此时的pme、Ttq、Pm、?e和Wi各值。 第1章作业 15.一台四冲程6缸柴油机(缸径x冲程=102mmx125mm)在全负荷时的台架测量结果如下: 燃油体积 200 cm3 燃油测量时间 21.22 s 燃油密度 0.83 kg/dm3 空气体积 5 m3 空气测量时间 30.1 s 环境空气压力 0.1 MPa 环境空气温度 300 K 最大有效转矩 424 Nm 发动机转速 2650 r/min 平均摩擦压力 0.1758 MPa 柴油热值 42800 kJ/kg 计算:1) 燃油体积流量和质量流量;2) 空气体积流量和质量流量;3) 有效功率;4) 有效比油耗和有效热效率;5)指示比油耗和指示热效率。 第1章作业 To calculate the indicated mean effective pressure, the p-V chart or diagram (indicator chart or indicator diagram) is created using a planimeter or pressure sensor. This Figure shows the calculation of the mean effective pressure for four-stroke engines. Here, please note that the working area B corresponding to the gas exchange is usually negative. This Figure shows how to measure the pressure in the cylinder by using the pressure sensor and the computer data sampling system. At the same time we need a crank angle sensor to determine the top dead center when calculating the cycle work. 对自然吸气机型,泵气损失归入机械损失后,Wi应为动力过程功;对增压机型,若仍将泵气损失归入机械损失,则Wi应为总指示功(动力过程功与理论泵气功之和)。 Now we pay our attention on the parameter of power. And this slide shows some power equations. Concerning about the internal power Piz (indicated power or gas power at the piston) of one cylinder, we can easily get the following results: Piz=nA*pmi*Vh nA=i*n where nA is the combustion cycles per time unit; n is the engine speed; i is the combusti


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