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汉语长句英译赏析Appreciation of English Translation of Long Chinese Sentence 1. 小马儿也就是十三岁, 脸上很瘦, 身上可是穿得很圆, 鼻子冻得通红, 挂着两条白鼻涕, 耳朵上戴着一对破耳帽儿。(《骆驼祥子》) Little Horse was no more than thirteen. His face was very thin, but his clothes were thick. His nose, red with cold, was running. On his ears, he wore a pair of tattered earmuffs. Presently the North Wind dropped a little. By now the loose dust had all been blown away, leaving the roadway clean,and the rickshaw man quickened his pace. 2. 不一会儿, 北风小了, 路上浮尘早已刮净, 剩下一条洁白的大道来, 车夫也跑得更快。(《一件小事》) 3. ①自上了轿, ②进了城, ③从纱窗中瞧瞧, ④其街市之繁华, ⑤人烟之阜盛, ⑥自非别处可比。 译文1: She got into her chair. They carried her through the city wall. She peeped through the gauze panel which served as a window. Streets and buildings could be seen. She noticed that they were richer and more elegant. And throngs of people were also seen who were more lively and numerous than she had ever seen in her life before. 译文2: She got into her chair and was soon carried through the city wall. Peeping through the gauze panel which served as a window, she could see streets more prosperous and throngs of people more numerous than she had ever seen in her life before. 4.“根生从来没跟他的老婆吵过架! 我知道一定有别的事情! 一定有别的事情! ”阿李严肃地说。他现出纳闷的样子, 因为他不知道这别的事究竟是什么事情。(巴金:《月夜》) “Gensheng never quarrels with his wife. It must be something else. I’m sure. ”Li said gravely. He was puzzled because he didn’t know what that something could be. (《汉英对照中国文学现代小说卷》) 5. 干得很顺手, 上汽车没到三分钟, 一个钱包就到手了, 鼓鼓囊囊的, 看来钱不少。 译文1: Three minutes after he stepped on the crowded bus, he had succeeded in pilfering a very full money purse. 译文2: An easy job! Hardly three minutes on the bus, he had laid hands on a purse, bulgy, apparently full of money. 中坡国家森林公园位于湖南省怀化市城区北郊,最近点距城区0.5km,核心景区距市区和火车站不到3km。1992年12月,经湖南省林业厅批准建立了中坡省级森林公园,2006年8月,经国家林业局批准成为国家级森林公园。自“升级”以来,该景区处于快速发展阶段,年接待游客数在20万人次左右,并呈上升趋势。该景区在取得快速发展的同时,诸多问题也开始凸现,主要表现为景区附近的居民与景区之间的矛盾,如管理方对周边居民入园晨练收取门票, 居民盗采林木、对管理方旅游开发的不支持态度。经调查该景区核心区原属70年代征用荒山由市林业局和市林科所投资营造的林业科研基地,80年代林科所与当地村组农户联营造林,将分散