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Department of Computer Science Slide * YY. Zhou Department of Computer Science Slide * 周源源是谁? UIUC的副教授 经历 2000年毕业于普林斯顿,导师李凯 1996之前在北大读本科与硕士 1999~2002年在NEC,StorageNetworks等公司就职 2001年到UIUC从教,并于2005年获得终生教授 获奖 UIUC Gear Faculty Award (2006) CRA-W Anita Borg Early Career Award (2005) IBM Faculty Award (2004 and 2005) DOE Early Career Award (2005) IBM Shared University Research (SUR) Award (2003) NSF CAREER Award (2004) YY. Zhou Department of Computer Science Slide * Opera:Operating Systems Research on Energy, Reliability and Autonomy YY. Zhou Department of Computer Science Slide * Opera:Selected Publications 2002 1 ISCA 2003 1 SIGMETRACS 1 USENIX 2004 1 HPCA (17%) 1 FAST (20%) 1 USENIX (13%) 1 ISCA (14%) 1 ICS (20%) 2 ASPLOS (14%) 3 Micro (18%), 2 Top Picks 1 OSDI (14%) 2005 1 HPCA (15%) 1 SIGMETRICS(13%) 1 HOTOS 2 SOSP (13%), 1 Awarded 1 Micro 2006 1 HPCA (15%) 1 HotDep (15%) 1 ASPLOS (22%) 2 Micro (22%) 2007 1 HPCA 1 Micro, Top Picks 1 HotOS 1 HotDep 1 SIGMETRICS 3 SOSP YY. Zhou Department of Computer Science Slide * Opera:巧 选择的方向非常巧 分析系统的缺陷,Bugs,Errors 找到就是成功 使用的方法非常巧 统计 数据挖掘 自然语言处理 写文章技术非常巧 能把握Reviewer所关心的内容 强调某一点以得到至少一个PC的支持 ? Opera是一个成功的研究团队 YY. Zhou Department of Computer Science Slide * 分享几点体会 研究方法 团队管理 学生培养 YY. Zhou Department of Computer Science Slide * 研究方法: Problem-Driven Research Process Phase 0: Research direction Identification It is an ART Ask, Read, Think Important Interesting Background 关注点 YY. Zhou Department of Computer Science Slide * Problem-Driven Research Process(1) Phase 1: Problem space understanding(1-2 months) From high level to low level Identify a concrete, important, open problem Problem may also come out from your previous experience and insight Literature study to get the state of the art to make sure it is open Search and feel around to see if it is important Concrete examples examination YY. Zhou Department of Computer Science Slide * Problem-Driven Research Process(2) Phase 2: Solution Seeking