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中医基础理论关键名词术语(key words) 绪论introduction 中医学traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) 中医学理论体系theory system of TCM 中医基础理论basic theory of TCM 整体观念holism concept 五脏一体观holism of five organs 形神一体观holism of body and spirit 天人一体观holism of human beings and universe 医学模式medical pattern 辨证syndrome differentiation 论治treatment variation 疾病disease 证候syndrome 症状symptom 体征physical sign 辨病disease diagnosing 同病异治different treatment for the same disease 异病同治the same treatment for the different disease 第一章 中医学的哲学基础ancient philosophic basis of TCM 精jing (as the world origin in ancient philosophy) 气qi (as the world origin in the ancient philosophy) 精气学说theory of jingqi 生命life 中介medium 气机 qi activity 气化qi transformation 感应induction 水地说hypothesis of jing originating from water and earth 云气说hypothesis of qi originating from cloud and air 气一元论monism of qi 元气一元论monism of qi 阴阳yinyang; yin and yang 阴阳学说theory of yinyang 阴阳对立inter-opposition between yin and yang 阴阳互根inter-dependence between yin and yang 阴阳消长wane and wax between yin and yang 阴阳交感inter-induction between yin and yang 阴阳互藏inter-containing between yin and yang 阴阳转化inter-transformation between yin and yang 阴阳自和reestablishment to yin-yang equilibrium 阴阳平衡both yin and yang in equilibrium 五行five elements 五行学说theory of five elements 五行相生inter-promotion of five elements 五行相克inter-inhibition of five elements 五行制化relationship of promotion and restriction of five elements 五行相乘inter-invasion of five elements 五行相侮reverse restriction in five elements 五行胜复resistance of oppressed elements 母病及子mother-organ disorder involving its child-organ 子病及母child-organ disorder involving its mother-organ 滋水涵木replenishing water to nourish wood 培土生金reinforcing earth to generate metal 益火补土tonifying fire to supplement earth 金水相生mutual generation between metal and water 抑木扶土inhibiting wood and strengthening earth 培土治水cultivating earth to control water 佐金平木assisting metal and calming wood 泻南补北purging the s


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