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本科毕业设计(论文) 题目:制造企业质量成本管理系统研究 ——以丰田汽车为例 院 系: 会计学院 专 业: 会计学 学 号: 1234567890 姓 名: 李 四 指导教师: 张 三 2016年 6月 摘要 近些年,汽车召回的事件不断发生在我们日常生活中,在一定程度上是因为这些产品质量存在隐患问题。中国汽车市场逐渐进入增长阶段,然后利润增长较低,降低成本已经成为许多企业增加利润采取的一种方式,一些公司一直在产品方面降低成本,放松了质量控制,保证不了产品的质量就导致了内部和外部存在了损失。只要是企业在可以保证产品没有问题的情况下,就需要我们支付费用,这样必定是要我们在选择消费时多支付一些钱,无疑是让我们做选择,在对质量跟产品的价值之间做选择,也就是说,在我们国家也应该开始对这些制造企业认真做研究调查,让现在制造业在生产产品时,一定要先保证产品的质量问题,只有质量没有问题,才可以考虑降成本或利润。 本文采用文献研究的方法,实证研究和比较分析研究汽车制造业质量成本控制。在我的论文里,在发现丰田了丰田汽车公司的汽车存在问题然后进行研究,对该公司的质量成本控制存在的问题,然后再继续对照我国的汽车企业,看看是否有一样的问题,然后再开始相关的分析,对我们国家汽车业也存在的问题,提出相应的对策,然后解决这些存在的问题,并且对存在的问题提出解决方法,要求企业加强领导管理,监督到位,减少成本浪费问题,在让工艺更加出色,注重成本的方方面面的全过程质量控制。 关键词:汽车业;汽车制造业质量成本;成本管理;成本控制 Abstract At recent years, car recall of events continue to occur in our daily life, in a certain extent, is because of problems with the quality of these products. This is reduce the cost of has become many enterprises too increase the profit to a way, some companies off order reduced the cost, relaxing the quality control and guarantee the quality of products, resulting in the loss of both internal and external. As long as the enterprises improved the quality of their production, we need to pay for fee, which may lead to an increase in product cost. Enterprises in production and improve the quality and go the cost must make a choices. Therefore it is necessary strengthen the Strong quality cost control in-depth study in the Chinese automobile manufacturing enterprises, so as the quality of the products reduce the cost of quality, achieve the ultimate profitability. In this paper, having method to literature research, empirical research and comparative analysis automotive research manufacturing quality cost control. In this paper, through the discovery of Toyotas quality cost: automobile manufacturing enterprise quality cost control of our country, there are some problems, level and of quality control work, there are still some defects of quality cost in the


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