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ENGLISH FOR PSYCHOLOGY CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTER TWO RESEARCH METHODS CHAPTER THREE CONGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTER FOUR DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTER FIVE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY CHAPTER SIX ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY(变态心理学) CHAPTER SEVEN SKILLS OF READING CHAPTER EIGHT SKILLS OF WRITING Abstract Writing Writing in Social Sciences Writing in Natural Sciences READINGS 心理学专业英语基础 心理学·教育学专业英语 改变心理学的40项研究(中文版,英文版) RESOURCES 英语字典(牛津,朗文) 现代英汉-汉英心理学词汇 Chapter 1 What is psychology ? What is psychology ? 1.DEFINITIONS: The word “Psychology” is derived from two Greek roots:“Psyche(精神)”,meaning “mind” or “soul” and “Logos(理性),meaning study of. Psychology, therefore,literally means study of the mind. However,a more recent definition by Atkinson et al(1991) suggests that psychology is: The scientific study of behaviour and mental processes What is psychology ? DEFINITIONS THE HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY WHERE DID PSYCHOLOGY COME FROM WHEN DID PSYCHOLOGY STARTED HOW DID PSYCHOLOGY DEVELOP What is psychology ? DEFINITIONS: The word Psychology is derived from two Greek roots: Psyche, meaning mind or soul and Logos, meaning study of. derive:派生 roots:词根 mind:心灵;精神 soul:灵魂;心灵;精神 心理学这个单词是由psyche和logos这两个希腊词派生出来的,psyche的意思是心灵或精神,logos的意思是对……研究。 Psychology, therefore, literally means study of the mind. therefore:因此 literally :根据字面意思 因此,从字面上来讲,心理的意思就是对于心灵(意识)的研究。 However,a more recent definition by Atkinson et al(1991) suggests that psychology is: The scientific study of behaviour and mental processes suggest:认为,建议,提议 然而,Atkinson(1991)等人提出了一个较新的定义,“心理学是对于行为与心理过程的科学研究”。 心理学是研究行为和心理过程的科学。 Just giving this simple definition, however, is a bit misleading, since psychologists now and throughout(自始至终) their history have not only disagreed about the definition of psychology but have also strongly disagreed about what should be studied in the subject(主题) and how it should be studied. subject:主题,科目 misleading:误导的,令人误解的,引入歧途 然而,仅仅给出这样一个简单的定义,会有一点误导,因为无论是在历史上还是现在,心理学家不仅对于心理学的定义没有达



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