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There are so many kinds of theories about the huamn origins .And I would like to introduce some theories in China . Pan gu create human Nv wa create human Long long ago,there was a boy called Pan gu,he lived with his sister,living a simple life。When they were gathering firewood,they found an imperial guardian lion in front of a temple .An old mook in rags came out ask for two steamed buns.And they agreed ,everyday,they put two in the lion.One night,Pan gu and his sister had a dream that the lion coule talk and told them it is the steam of Jade Empero.Because you gave me a chance to taste human food,I will tell you a massage,the world would be destroied.The old mook you met a few days ago,is taibaijinxing,He thought you two were good,so you would be survived.When you saw my eyes turned red,went into my belly,don’t tell others,or I will never be back to the heaven.when they woke up,they were both surprised to have the same dream .One day,the weather turned so bad ,and lion’s eyes was red.They were afraid and they went into its belly.After staying there for eighty-one days ,they came out.Accidently,they made Mud people,and miraculously,they became real people . A wonderful story,isn’t it? Good will always be awarde! Those are the stories spread in China . If you have more interest ,you can search for them in Internet . * * 后来人们为了纪念盘古,就在盘古山顶建了一座庙宇。盘古庙气势雄伟壮观, 砖石建筑古香古色。正殿前的卷棚设计精美,雕刻别致,殿内是尊身穿槲叶、 披红挂绿、身材魁梧的佛像,它就是人根始祖—盘古爷。至于盘古奶奶, 据说因为避讳兄妹结为夫妻的口舌,独自一人到西大山居住,向人间传授种 桑织布的技术,与盘古爷长年遥遥千里相望。 A goddess Nu Wa, in this vast wilderness walk. She look around, rolling hills, flowing rivers, dense forests, vegetation wild flowers, birds forma heaven, earth herd Benz, playing the fish in water, grass insect Zhi jump, which is also the worlds supposedly quite beautiful embellishment . But she always felt an indescribable loneliness, and then ever more tired, more and more intense loneliness, even not sure why. She sat slumped beside a pond, a loss on the


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