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传统外婚制下娘家与出嫁女关系问题的再认识 杨华 【专题名称】妇女研究 【专 题 号】D423 【复印期号】2012年01期 【原文出处】《南方人口》(广州)2011年5期第17~26.16页 【英文标题】A New Perspective of the Relation between the Married Women and Their Parents Family under the Traditional Exogamy 【作者简介】杨华,华中科技大学中国乡村治理研究中心,湖北 武汉 430079 ????杨华,男,法学博士,华中科技大学中国乡村治理研究中心副教授,主要研究方向为农村妇女与农村社会学。 【内容提要】 针对传统外婚制下娘家与出嫁女的关系,存在两种相互对立的分析路径,一种是宗族模式的分析路径,认为姻亲关系从属于宗亲关系,出嫁女与娘家没有关系或存在弱关系;另一种是实践主义的分析路径,认为出嫁女与娘家的关系并不是如宗族模式说的那样僵化,而是具有建构性特点,出嫁女与娘家的关系分割了宗亲关系。本文从出嫁女归属的角度,认为在传统外婚制下,娘家与出嫁女的关系具有积极性和主动性的层面,而且具有极强的目的性和针对性。娘家是出嫁女归属于夫姓家庭、家族和村落的坚强后盾,娘家针对女儿及其婆家的一系列行为,诸如督促和支持女儿归属于婆家,敦促婆家接纳女儿,无疑都是为了女儿更好地在婆家立足,更好地归属于夫姓家族和村落。从出嫁女归属的角度,去探讨出嫁女与娘家的关系、姻亲关系,以及妇女与娘家、夫姓家族和夫姓村落的关系状态,是一个全新的视角。 There are two competing approaches to studying the relation of the married women with their parents family under the traditional system of marriage: One is clan model regarding the affinity relations by marriage subject to the clan and the married womens bearing weak even no relation with their parents family; the other one is the activism model holding that married womens and their family enjoy a relation constructed by them instead of a rigidified relation as declaimed by clan model, the married women divide the clan relations. Under the traditional system in present China, their parents family of married women can play a very active and initiative role in maintaining marriage, parents family is a strong backing supporting the married woman to live in their husbands village. The actions taken by their parents family against the married women and their husband including his family can help married women to be accepted by their husband family, clan and village, for instance, the married womens parents family can persuade their daughter to build good family relation in her husband family, while they can also urge their married womens husband and his family to accept their daughter. This new perspective of the married womens ownership can help to explore the relations between married women and their famil


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