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棒球英語?? 2007-09-02 22:13:17|??分类:?术语表?|??标签:baseball??棒球??词汇??规则??英语??|举报|字号?订阅 Here are some common expressions from baseball. Someone who is on the ball is intelligent and able to do a good job. But a person who threw a curve ball?did something unexpected. Someone who steps up to the plate?is ready to do his or her job. A?pinch hitter?takes the place of someone else at a job or activity. Sometimes I have to give information quickly, without time to think it over. Then I would say something right off the bat. If someone is doing an extremely good job and is very successful, you might say he or she is batting one thousand. If I say I want to touch base?with you, I will talk to you from time to time about something we plan to do. I might say I ?touched all the bases?if I did what is necessary to complete a job or activity. And if I covered my bases?I was well prepared. However, someone who is way off base did something wrong or maybe even dishonest or immoral. A person with strange ideas might be described as out in left field. Finally, when a situation changes completely, we say that is a whole new ballgame. from? /forum/archive/index.php/t-103.html kent 2007-05-24, 12:42 AM 最近每天都在看棒球。早上也繼續看早報。 因此,打算慢慢將我看到的一些單字放這個討論串。 在棒球轉撥或是文章,雖然都是用一些簡單的字。但使用時機和用法都滿固定的。所以只要對一些基本單字的使用方式熟悉了之後,便會很容易閱讀或聽轉撥。 首先來一些官網上的棒球術語: /mlb/official_info/baseball_basics/stats_101.jsp?c_id=nyy Batting Average (AVG): 打擊率 Earned Run Average (ERA):投手防禦率 Slugging Percentage (SLG): 長打率? On-Base Percentage (OBP): 上壘率 Fielding Average:守備率 Magic Numbers:魔術數字(也就是還要再贏幾場就可以封王了) 下面這個是所有統計數字各個縮寫代表的意思: /mlb/official_info/baseball_basics/abbreviations.jsp?c_id=nyy HITS 安打 SINGLE 一壘安打 DOUBLE 二壘安打 TRIPLE 三壘安打 HOMERUN 全壘打 STEAL BASE 盜壘 DOUBLE PLAY 雙殺。 另外若是王建民常常讓對手打出來的那種滾地球雙殺,有特別的說法,叫做GIDP --Ground into Double Plays。 AT BATS 打數(也就是保送的話就不算) STRIKE 好球 BALL 壞球 STRIKEOUT 三振 ERROR 失誤 LOB - Left On Base 殘壘數 另外,今天才發現原來裁判是叫做UMPIRE:eek: ACE 王牌投手 SHOUT OUT GAME 完封 PERFECT GAME 完全比賽 RUNS 得分 RBI 打點 WALKS 保送 --也叫Bases on



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