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奥巴马麻省大学毕业典礼的演讲 给大学毕业生的三个建议 2006-6-2 背景介绍 麻省大学是美国新英格兰地区最多元化的公立大学。2006 年6 月2 日,美国麻省大学波士顿分校授予美国参议员巴拉克?侯赛因?奥巴马该校法学荣誉博士学位,以表彰其为保护弱势群体利益,维护超越党派和种族利益而做出的努 力。当天,还是美国参议员的奥巴马出席了麻省大学第38届学位授予典礼仪式,并发表演讲。他对毕业生们提出自己诚恳的建议:第一,要敢于冒险,坚持理想。 第二,要有全球思想,打破壁垒,不要狭隘。第三,培养人文情怀。最后,对美国这个“一切皆有可能”的地方充满好奇,实际上是对美国发自内心的肯定。 University of Massachusetts at Boston Commencement Address Boston,MA |June 2,2006 Good morning President Wilson,Chancellor Collins,the Board of Trustees,faculty,parents,family,friends,and the Class of 2006. Congratulations on your graduation,and thank you for allowing me the honor to be a part of it. It’s always great to be back in Boston. As some of you may have heard, I was here a few years ago to give the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic Convention. It was an amazing experience for me. A humbling honor. A tremendous opportunity. And if you had come up to me a few years earlier and told me I’d be there,I would’ve politely told you that you were out of your mind. Let me tell you what happened at the last convention I had been to. It was the year 2000,and I had just gotten my rear-end handed to me in my very first race for Congress. Didn’t even make it past the primary. I was a little depressed,and more than a little broke,but some friends suggested that I get my mind off it by going to Los Angeles,where that year’s Democratic Convention was being held. So I decided to go. And when my plane landed in LA,I got my luggage, walked on over to the Hertz counter,filled out all the forms to rent a car,gave my credit card to the nice woman behind the counter who,moments later, handed it back to me and said,“Mr. Obama,it seems we have a problem.” That’s right,my credit card was denied. After thirty more minutes of haggling,I finally made it to the convention, only to learn that I was thought of so highly by the Democratic Party that my credentials barely granted me access to the men’s room-let alone backstage where all the action was. And so,being the VIP that I wa


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