Action pln04-18.doc

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Action pln04-18

C/C-Chinese Restaurant Action Plan Driver: Restaurant Staff Friendliness Object: Achieve GSI: 9.20,monthly GSI ranking: 6/19 Tools: A-la-carte Service Training and Test Description Person Date Comments GSI Training Lisa 18thApr’03 GSI Analysis All C/C Staff 18th Apr’03 A-la-cart Service Training Anna Weekly: Tuesday (2:30-3:30pm) Regular Meeting All C/C Staff Daily: 11:25(10minutes) 17:25(10minutes) GSI Review All C/C Staff 18th May’03 Cross A-la-carte Service Test All C/C Staff 18th May’03 A-la-carte Service Standard When serving a guest, always think about the standards and procedures of each course in the Celestial Court restaurant .Do everything for the guests, as far as possible. Procedure: Greet the guest with a smile Good afternoon, Sir/Madam. Welcome to our restaurant. 面带微笑问候客人“下午好,先生/女士。欢迎到天宝阁中餐厅。 Acknowledge reservation and host. If the guest is a regular and we have guest history for likes / dislikes should be mentioned to him, so the guest knows we care. 了解客人的预订。如果客人是常客,我们必须了解他们的喜好及特殊要求,让客人了解我们关心他们。 Guide the guest to table, move in the front and say: This way please,Sir/ Madame. 带客人到桌边,走在前面说:“这边请,先生/女士!” Pull the chair, ladies first. 为客人拉椅,让女士先坐下。 Unfold the napkin and place it on guest knees. 摊开口布,放在客人膝盖上。 Present drink list and menu. 呈上酒水单和菜单。 Ask guest: Would you like to have some tea? Recommend varieties of tea to guest. We have … tea. 问客人:“您要喝茶吗?” 向客人介绍茶的品种。 Ask guest prefer strong or light tea 询问客人要浓茶还是淡茶。 Place hot face towel (perfumed). Serve pre dinner condiments. 为客人送上热毛巾和前菜。 Serve tea 为客人服务茶水。 Ask guest for drink/wines. Recommend varieties of drink/wines to guest. 问客人需要什么酒水。并主动向客人推荐。 Serve beverages. 为客人服务酒水。 Collect beverage list. 收回酒水单。 Recommend specials/promotions. Shift leader or waitress takes food order. 点菜时,向客人介绍酒店的特色菜和推广活动。 Repeat complete order. 完整地重复客人的点单。 Dish up soup, rice/noodle or any dish guests request to. 为客人分所有的汤和主食以及任何客人要求分的菜。 Always present food to guest and mention the name of dishes.


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