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汉英笔译必备句型 “十一五”时期是我国发展进程中极不平凡的五年。 The Eleventh Five-Year Plan period was a truly extraordinary time in the course of the countrys development. 面对国内外复杂形势和一系列重大风险挑战,中国共产党团结带领全国各族人民,全面推进改革开放和现代化建设,国家面貌发生了历史性变化。 In the face of complex domestic and international situations and a series of major risks and challenges, the Communist Party of China united with and led the people of all ethnic groups to comprehensively advance reform, opening up and modernization, bringing about a historic change in China. 我们在国际事务中发挥重要的建设性作用,有力维护国家主权、安全和发展利益,全方位外交取得重大进展。 We played an important and constructive role in international affairs; effectively safeguarded our national sovereignty, security and development interests; and made major progress in our all-around diplomacy. 我们注重把握宏观调控的方向、重点和力度,牢牢掌握经济工作的主动权。 We paid close attention to the orientation, focus and strength of macro-control and kept a firm grasp on the initiative in our economic work. “十一五”前期,针对投资增长过快、贸易顺差过大、流动性过剩,以及结构性、输入性物价上涨等问题,采取正确的政策措施,有效防止了苗头性问题演变成趋势性问题。 In the early stages of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period, we adopted correct policies and measures to address overheated investment growth, the excessive trade surplus, excess liquidity, and structural and imported inflation and effectively prevented emerging problems from evolving into trends. 近两年,面对百年罕见的国际金融危机冲击,我们沉着应对,科学决策,果断实行积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策。 In the last two years, we responded coolly to the impact of the global financial crisis– severity of which is seldom seen in the last century, made decisions scientifically and resolutely followed a proactive fiscal policy and moderately easy monetary policy. 覆盖城乡的社会保障体系建设取得突破性进展,城镇职工基本养老保险实现省级统筹。 We achieved breakthroughs in the development of the social security system for both urban and rural residents; basic pension insurance for urban workers was put under unified planning at the provincial level. 深入推进依法行政,建设法治政府和服务型政府,推进政务公开,加强行政问责,坚持不懈地开展反腐败斗争,政府自身建设取得积极进展。 We intensively carried out administration in accordance with th



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