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enroll enrollment enrollee Freshmen -- sophomore –junior--- senior---bachelor-- graduate student –master--- doctoral student--doctor (Dr.) Spending money 零花钱=pocket money Just about everyone = nearly about everyone Hefty :a.大而重的;n.体壮力大的人 personal 个人的,私人的 PC 私事的(not relate to a person’s job or official position) ~ life 私生活 人际的 个性的 ~ relationship 人际关系 亲自做= in person a ~ attendance 为个人 个别的 ~ service 个别服务 针对个人的 ,人声攻击的(refering to a particular person’s appearance , character ,opinion…… ) Eg. Try to avoid making ~ remarks. Personnel 全体职员 员工 [pl.] 1.翻译11段首句 Dell knew that IBM required its dealers to take a monthly quota of PCs, in most cases more than they could sell. = Dell knew that IBM required its dealers to take a monthly quota of PCs ( which was ) in most cases more than they could sell. Quota 配额 Surplus :more than what is needed or used 过剩的 多余的 Stock 库存 out of / in stock 脱销/仍有库存 Surplus stock / excess inventory 库存过多 At cost 以成本价 You can buy the wines at cost. 你可以按成本价买这几种酒 The hungry market a retail price 零售额 At 15% off price=a discount at 15% Take on the appearance of Custom :n.习惯,风俗;(pl.)海关,关税 Accustom : vt.使习惯 Accustomed : be ~ed to + sth./doing/do customary :习惯的,合乎习俗的(与habitual 区别) Customer consumer Customise : v.按照顾主或物主的意思制造或改造 Customised/costom-made : a.定做的,定制的 Plea : n. 恳求 ~ (for sth.); 答辩,抗辩:a ~ of guilty/not guilty 理由,借口(n passive)a ~ of Plead : v. pleaded/pled 恳求 ~ (with sb.)(for sth.) ~ to do 答辩,抗辩:to ~ of guilty/not guilty 找 理由,借口(n passive) ~ sth.(for sth.) 支持呼吁 ~(for sb./sth.) The opportunity of a lifetime 千载难逢的好机会 Pass by I can’t bear to / I can’t stand to Miss the chance With a vengeance 变本加厉的;猛烈地 After a good rest the workers set to work with a vengeance vengeance [vend??ns] n. 1. 报仇,复仇;报复 2.报仇的机会;报复行为 3. 报仇的欲望;复仇心 短语 1. take vengeance on someone向某人报复 2. with a vengeance a. 猛烈地,厉害地,拼命地 b. 无理地;过分地;惊人地 c. 极度地,彻底地;大大地 Come to grips with sth.



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