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技术要求 Welding Requirement 1 母材/Base Metal 1.1母材上待熔敷金属的表面必须光洁,匀整,且无毛刺、撕开、裂纹和其他对焊缝质量与强度有不利影响的缺陷。待焊处与邻近表面也必须没有疏松的或厚的氧化皮、残渣、铁锈、潮湿、油脂和其他妨碍正常焊接或产生讨厌烟雾的外来物质。 Surfaces on which weld metal is to be deposited shall be smooth, uniform, and free from fins, tears, cracks, and other discontinuities which would adversely affect the quality or strength of the weld. Surfaces to be welded, and surfaces adjacent to a weld, shall also be free from loose or thick scale, slag, rust, moisture, grease, and other foreign material that would prevent proper welding or produce objectionable fumes. 1.2母材轧制引起的缺陷的返修 Repair of mill-induced discontinuities 切割表面上轧制引起的层状缺陷的允许限度和修理 缺陷种类 需要的修理 任何缺陷长度≤25mm 不修理,不作探查 任何缺陷长度>25mm,深度≤3mm 不修理,但应探查深度 任何缺陷长度>25mm,深度>3mm,≤6mm 清除,不需要焊接 任何缺陷长度>25mm,深度>6mm,≤25mm 清除并焊接 Limit on Acceptability and Repair of Mill Induced Laminar Discontinuities in Cut Surfaces Description of Discontinuity Repair Required Any discontinuity 25mm in length or less None need not be explored Any discontinuity over 25mm in length and 3mm maximum depth None, but the depth should be explored Any discontinuity over 25mm in length with depth over 3mm but not greater than 6mm Remove, need not to weld Any discontinuity over 25mm in length with depth over 6mm but not greater than 25mm Completely remove and weld 如果需要焊接返修,则须清除足够的母材以便于焊接,所有缺陷的焊接返修必须做到: If weld repair is required, sufficient base metal shall be removed to provide access for welding. All welded repairs of discontinuities shall be made by: (1) 对返修区域进行适当准备。 Suitably preparing the repair area. (2) 用认可的低氢方法焊接。 Welding with an approved low-hydrogen process and observing the applicable provisions of the code. (3) 打磨已完成的返修焊缝,使它光滑并与邻近的母材表面平齐而有精细修整。 Grinding the completed weld smooth and flush with the adjacent surface to produce a workmanlike finish. 2 焊材/Electrodes 焊条必须在260℃-430℃烘焙至少2小时,焊条从烘箱或保温箱取出后,应放于保温筒内,暴露于大气的时间严禁超过4h。 All electrodes having low-hydrogen coverings shall be baked for at lease two hours between 260℃ and 430℃


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