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* * 1.miracle ( n.) :an event or action that apparently contradicts known scientific laws and is hence thought to be due to supernatural causes,esp. to an act of God奇迹 2.chip ( n.) :a semiconductor body in which an integrated circuit is formed or is to be formed集成电路片 3.inert ( adj.) : having few or no active properties;inactive 惰性的 4.fleck ( n.) :a small piece;flake;particlem 小片,薄片;粒子,微粒 5.hulking ( adj.) :large,heavy,and often unwieldy or clumsy 巨大的,庞大的;笨重的 6.tangle ( v.) :make a knot or snarl of;intertwist 使纠结;使纠缠 7.evolve ( v.) :develop gradually by a process of growth and change演变;进化;发展 8. burr ( v.) :.make a whirring sound发嘎嘎声;发飕飕声 9.versatile ( adj.) :competent in many things;able to turn easily from one subject or occupation to another;many-sided;adaptable to many uses or functions多才多艺的;多方面的;多用途的;万能的;多功能的 10.drudgery ( n.) :work that is hard,menial。or tiresome单调乏味的工作 11.cozy ( adj.) :warm and comfortable;snug温暖舒适的;安逸的 12.percolator ( n.) :a kind of coffeepot in which the boiling water repeatedly bubbles up through a tube and filters back to the bottom through the coffee grounds,which are held in a perforated container咖啡渗滤壶 13.boost ( v.) :make higher or greater;increase in amount. power。etc.提高;(在数量、力量等方面)增加 14.rundown ( n.) :a concise summary or outline纲要;总结 15.burble ( v.) :make a gurgling or bubbling sound(流水)做汩汩声,潺潺做声 16.snug ( adj.) :warm and cozy;comfortable温暖的;舒适的/snugly adv. 17.thermostat ( n.) :an apparatus for regulating temperature, esp. one that automatically controls a heating unit恒温器 18.memo ( n.) :(clipped form of memorandum)a short note written to help one remember something or remind one to do something(memorandum的缩略形式)备忘录;笔记 19.genie/jinni ( n.) :[Moslem legend]a supernatural being that can take human or animal form and influence human affairs(穆斯林传说中的)神灵;神怪(能化为人形或兽形,影响人的事务) 20.saunter ( v.) :walk about idly;stroll闲逛;漫步 21.commandeer ( n.) :秽.seize(property)for military or governmental use征用(人力或物力)


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