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应运而生 顺势而上——陈育明大使在到任招待会上的致辞   Build on the Momentum and Take China-Australia Relations to a New Height-Speech by Ambassador Chen Yuming at the Arrival Reception 女士们、先生们: Excellences, Ladies and Gentlemen, 欢迎和感谢各位出席招待会。有机会出使澳大利亚这个美丽的国家,我倍感荣幸。我的朋友们对我说,你很幸运,那里有灿烂的阳光、秀丽的风光和热情的人民。他们还说,中澳关系很好,你会很忙,很愉快。的确,中澳建交38年来,双边关系高速发展,当前正处于历史上的最好时期。形象地说,中澳关系具有“三维空间”:   May I start by welcoming you all. Thank you for coming. I am deeply honored to be accredited Chinese Ambassador to Australia, a country with amazing beauty. My friends said I am lucky, because I would go to a country with warm sunshine, breathtaking views and friendly people. They also said I would have a busy and pleasant time, because Australia has a good relationship with China. I certainly do agree. 38 years ago, our two countries established diplomatic ties. Since then, we have witnessed fast and robust growth. Today, relationship between China and Australia has never been better. It has grown higher, deeper and wider. 首先,中澳关系具有战略高度。中澳两国同为亚太地区重要国家,发展中澳关系的意义已经超出双边范畴。正如温家宝总理会见吉拉德总理时所说,发展两国更加紧密的合作关系,符合两国和两国人民的根本利益。我向布赖斯总督递交国书时,总督阁下对我强调将坚定致力于发展澳中关系,促进各领域合作。到任一个月来,我有机会广泛接触新政府高层和社会各界,深切地感受到发展中澳关系是澳朝野和各界坚定共识。   First, relations between our two countries are taking on strategic significance. Both China and Australia are important countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Their relations have gone beyond the bilateral scope. As Premier Wen Jiabao said during his meeting with Prime Minister Gillard, to develop closer cooperative relations between China and Australia serves the fundamental interests of the two countries and their peoples. When I presented my credentials to Governor-General Bryce, Her Excellency reaffirmed Australias strong commitment to developing relations with China and promoting cooperation in all areas. And in the past month, I had extensive discussions with senior members of the new Australian Government and people from all walks of life. I have seen a bipartisan support and broad consensus of the Austral



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