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77 78 84 85 86 88 89 90 92 95 97 99 100 110 110 110 * * 110 * 110 * 117 65 66 * 61 * 61 * 61 * 61 * 88 * 88 * 61 * 61 * 61 * 88 * 61 纳什均衡是一组满足给定对手的行为时各参与者所做的是它所做的最好的策略。 * 61 * 20 * 61 * 61 * 88 * 61 * The title I have given this game (the “fare wars” game) might be too much of a hint about what happens in the Nash equilibrium. Feel free to change it to something like “airfare pricing strategies.” * * The first example, “ad wars,” is not mentioned in the textbook. An interesting note: When Congress banned cigarette advertising on television in 1971, cigarette manufacturers’ profits rose. Prior to the ban, cigarette companies were stuck in a Nash equilibrium in which all were spending heavily on TV ads to steal business from each other. The ban, in effect, forced cigarette manufacturers to switch to the cooperative outcome in which none advertises on TV. The next three examples (OPEC on this slide, arms race common resources on the next slide) are discussed in much more detail in the textbook. Instead of covering these same examples in detail in this PowerPoint, I chose to present different examples, so that students who read the book still have a reason to attend class (and vice versa). However, it’s still useful to mention the book’s examples here, and briefly discuss them if you wish, so they will be familiar to students when students read the chapter. * 61 * 61 * 61 * 61 * 61 * 61 70 71 71 72 73 * 24 * 29 * 29 * 29 * 29 * 29 * 59 * 59 * 109 * 109 * 32 * 32 * 32 * 39 * 38 * 54 * 45 4 * 45 4 * 45 4 * 54 * 58 * 58 58 58 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 64 第七章 价格 数量 D DD QD P* 在此价格,次要厂商的供给 为 QF, 所以总销售为QT. P1 QF QT P2 MCD MRD SF 主导厂商的需求曲线是市场需求 (D) 和次要厂商的供给 (SF)之差 主导厂商的产量QD 在边际收益MRD 等于它的边际成本MCD处,相应的价格为P*,在此价格,次要厂商们的销量为QF。所以总销量为QT. 九、卡特尔(Cartel)的含义 ◆价格联盟 ◆生产厂商就产品销售价格达成的 松散协议 ◆多在资源型产品的国际贸易中出现 2.卡特尔的形成条件: ◆形成卡特尔的动机 提高卖方的议价能力,提高产品价格 ◆卡特尔悖论(囚徒困境) ▲为了保持高价,需要成员方限制产量, 但是一旦提高了价格, ▲每一个成员都希望生产更多的产量以获得高价出售带来的利益;


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