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振动筛式花生收获机的设计 摘要 花生不仅是优质油料作物,而且是主要的蛋白资源,加工品类多,产业链条长,现已成为中国重要的出口创汇产品和农业结构调整重点发展和扶持的种植品种。在消费结构和出口结构不断调整和优化的双重拉动下,花生生产得到长足发展,并逐渐向主产区相对集中, ... p摘要br / 花生不仅是优质油料作物,而且是主要的蛋白资源,加工品类多,产业链条长,现已成为中国重要的出口创汇产品和农业结构调整重点发展和扶持的种植品种。在消费结构和出口结构不断调整和优化的双重拉动下,花生生产得到长足发展,并逐渐向主产区相对集中,优势产业带基本形成。但是中国花生生产机械化发展却严重滞后,特别是用工量占生产全过程1/3以上、作业成本占生产总成本50%以上的收获作业,目前主要依靠人工完成,劳动强度大、作业成本高、效率低、损失大、成本高已成为生产发展与产业成长的主要瓶颈,国内对花生机械化收获技术装备的需求日趋迫切。br / 设计了振动筛式花生收获机的总体结构、工作原理、技术特点以及关键部件结构与工作参数设计等。该设备主要由挖掘铲、振动筛、行走轮、动力传动装置及机架等组成,与11~13.2kw 拖拉机配套使用,一次完成两行花生收获,挖出来的花生秧被传送到振动筛上,经过振动筛的振动去除挖掘出的花生所带有的泥土,最后通过输送板实现花生秧一侧倒伏的工作原理。该机具有作业顺畅、运行可靠、清土率高、损失率低等特点,纯生产率达 0.1 hm2/h。br / 关键词:振动筛,收获机,机械化,花生br / br / Abstractbr / Peanut oil is not only a high-quality, and is the main protein resources, processing category, and industry chain length, has become Chinas important export products and focus on the development of agricultural restructuring and support the cultivation of varieties. In the consumption structure and export structure adjustment and optimization of dual-drive, the rapid development of peanut production, and gradually the relative concentration of the main producing areas, with the basic formation of competitive industries. However, peanut production mechanization in China are seriously lagging behind, especially in the whole process of production and employment accounts for 1 / 3 of the above, operating costs account for the production of more than 50% of the total cost of harvesting operations, mainly rely on manual completion of the current, labor-intensive, operating costs are high, low efficiency, loss, and the high cost of development and production has become a major bottleneck in the growth of industry, mechanization of domestic peanut harvest technology and equipment needs of the increasingly urgent. br / Introduced a shaker-style peanut harvester of the overall structure, working principle and technical characteristics of the key components of the structure and design operating parameters. The dev


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