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Study on Deng Xiaoping Theory of sustainable development, the first problem is how to generalize its connotation and content. For this problem, scholars have summarized the different research ideas and theory: some people think that the main contents of Deng Xiaoping, the idea of sustainable development is reflected in the:
First, establishing the basic principles of sustainable development, which is adapt to the situation of our country s principle, coordination principle and opening wider to the outside world and promote the development of the principle of. Second, the new thinking of creation of the coordinated development of regional economy, the coordinated development of regional economy attaches great importance to the ideological, between the correct understanding and handling of the problems of uneven regional development, let the parts first developed drive after the development of the region, to realize the sustainable development strategy through the coordinated development of regional economy. Third, the growth of economy step , and strive to national economy stepped development. Fourth, must take the road of sustainable development of ecological environment, economic development and population control, resource utilization and environmental protection combined, overall arrangement, comprehensive coordination.
Other scholars think, Deng Xiaoping Theory of sustainable development as the basic contents of five aspects:
System reform orderly hierarchy is the foundation for sustainable devel
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