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块截断编码图像压缩技术 摘要由于多媒体技术的发展,图像压缩技术成为图像处理中研究的热点。编码压缩技术的发展,使大容量图像信息的存储与传输得以实现,并且解决了多媒体等新技术在实际应用中遇到各种困难。在图像压缩性能评价中,常用的准则有客观保真度与主观保真度。客观评价主要采用峰值信噪比(PSNR)和均方误差MSE)这两种方法主观评价是指人对图像质量的主观感觉峰值信噪比(PSNR)和均方误差MSE)来评价这两种方法。总结这两种方法各自的特点。 实验证明,的块截断图像编码算法快速容易实现,而且它对信道误码不敏感,实时性比较强,图像质量比较好;块截断编码具备了以上的优点,保留了图像的边缘,得了更高的图像质量。 关键词 图像压缩块截断编码 Block Truncation Coding Image Compression Technology Abstract With the development of multimedia technology, the image compression has become more and more important in the field of image processing. Thanks for the development of coding compression techniques, large-capacity image can been saved, information can transport with each other and encountered a variety of difficulties which come from the resolution of multi-media and other new technology in the practical application. First of this paper introduced several popular image compression technology. It deeply researched and analyzed block truncation coding image compression technology. Theory first introduced the principle of block truncation coding, block truncation coding is an effective, fast digital image compression technology, as a classic image compression coding, block truncation coding techniques are highly real-time. This paper introduces two kinds of block truncation coding algorithm, one is standard cut block coding algorithm, another is to improve the block truncation algorithm that is an absolute moment block truncation algorithm. In image compression, performance evaluation, the commonly used criteria are objective fidelity. and subjective fidelity. Objective evaluation mainly use two methods, peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and Mean Square Error (MSE), subjective evaluation refer to the of image quality on a subjective feeling. Papers selected three images, respectively, use these two algorithms to compress the three images, observe of the quality of compressed images and each image compression at the time of peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and Mean Square Error (MSE) to evaluate


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